I swallowed before answering. "He is."

"And...?" She prompted.

"And I'll tell you about it when I stop by. I should go, bye Jen."

"Bye, Ella." And the call ended.

I slipped into my pajamas, and crawled into my bed. Today definitely took its toll on me, emotionally. But despite how tired I was, I couldn't sleep.

I was too busy thinking about him. He changed a lot in the 2 years since he left me. But... I still saw the same person. The same person I fell in love with. The same person who loved me.

I remember scrolling through the Internet on my laptop, when I saw something entitled, "Niall Horan talks about his "amazing" girlfriend before X-Factor"

And out of sheer curiosity, I clicked it.


February 17th, 2011

I frowned at the link, but I couldn't help clicking on it. The link showed a small article, and a then another link that led me to YouTube.

The video was a lot for me handle. The beginning was him talking about his first kiss with foreign exchange student, who by the way was named Maria, then J-Lo as his celebrity crush. And then me.

"There was this girl who I was goin' out with before I went on the X-Factor," He said, "and I had to like break up with her." He grimaced slightly, "I told her I had to concentrate on my career, which I'm delighted I did now." He looked away from the interviewer slightly. "She was amazing."

"Aww!" The interviewer said.

Niall then faked crying, and left smiling.

One of the comments said, "Aww poor Niall u can tell he was about to cry when he said she was amazing at the end :("

The tears came again. They filled my eyes, and overflowed onto my face. I shut my laptop, and hugged my knees. He said I was amazing. But he also fake cried.

The Niall I knew wouldn't do that. He would look at me, tell me exactly what he felt, and he would be very genuine.

Had Niall ever really cried about me?

I cried enough about him to fill an ocean.

And that still didn't seem to be enough.

(End of Flashback)



December 9th, 2012

Seeing Ella hurt. A lot.

Having her shun me hurt a lot more.

She'd gotten even more beautiful these past few years, but she always was gorgeous.

When I saw her I front of me in line... I couldn't believe it.

But I'd know that profile, that hair, that voice anywhere. Even now, her accent was in between British and Irish. She had grown up in England, and moved to Mullingar... About 7 years ago.

Wow. Can't believe its been 7 years. I thought.

Leaving her might have been the worst mistake I ever made. I let the most amazing girl on the planet go. I thought I was doing the right thing when I broke up with her...

How could I ever think it was the right thing? I could've stayed in touch with her, my Ella, and concentrate on my career. But no, I had to break up with her.

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