"You would never harm us!"

"But It would!" said Remus, pointing to himself.

Tonks rose and took Remus' hands in hers. "I know you're suffering, but that's a not a reason to jump blindly into testing a new potion on yourself. We need to discuss this."

"No, we don't," said Remus firmly. "It's my decision, and I'd prefer it if you weren't present during the test."

Tonks dropped Remus' hands in a fit of temper. "This isn't just about you!"

"Really, are there any other werewolves in the family?"

"No, but there's a wife and a son!"

"I'm doing this for you!"

"You're doing it for yourself, Remus—for yourself and by yourself," and with that, Tonks lifted Teddy and left the room.

Remus had hoped to keep his intentions hidden a little longer, but at least his time was now freed up, and he was determined to make the best of it. He used the time to put more work into his missives for Teddy. Tonks didn't speak to him for several days. When she realized the silent treatment had no effect on him, she moved in with her mother, Andromeda, and took Teddy with her. Remus knew she wanted him to fetch her and as much as he wanted to, he had to stick to his guns.

It seemed to take forever for Severus' letter to arrive, and it came earlier than expected as Lin's friend, Janet, backed out of her weekend plans with Lin. Remus smiled to himself as he imagined Severus' sour visage stuck in the middle of a group of Lin's Muggle friends. The big day would be Sunday, or rather Sunday evening. Remus pointed his wand and burnt the letter. He'd hoped the event would happen while Tonks was working. All of Remus' affairs were in order, all instructions were laid out, and he was as ready as anyone could be to depart this life. Instead of spending the next two days pacing the small but cozy home he shared with Tonks, he arrived unannounced at Lin and Severus' doorstep and offered his help with preparations. He knew Lin would have him. Severus would prefer to have as little contact with him as possible, but Lin's brand of hospitality won out over Severus'.


Lin did have a calming influence over him, but the full moon was approaching, and Remus was getting irritable. Worrying about the potion's effect on him increased his agitation. He found himself pacing outside the spring-house that Sirius had fixed up for him not so long ago. Remembering Sirius added more barely controlled emotions to the stew he was trying to contain. Severus had spent a good deal of time reinforcing the work Sirius had done to ensure that no one was injured during the test. The interior of the spring-house now resembled a blending of jail cell and hospital ward.

Poppy had arrived early in the day to set up medical equipment and supplies; it looked like she'd brought half of St. Mungo's with her. Remus didn't know Poppy was going to be present and had asked Lin how she'd convinced her to some. Remus was shocked to find that Severus was the one who'd talked the Medi-Witch into assisting. Remus had no idea that Poppy and Severus were on such good terms, but that in itself was reassuring as Remus knew the two of them would take the secrets of tonight's experiment to their graves.

For what could've been the thousandth time in the span of a few minutes, Remus found himself asking Merlin, Albus, an entire pantheon of gods and goddesses, and any well-meaning deceased magical beings to lend whatever help they could for a positive outcome. Remus suddenly felt desperately alone and wanted Tonks' arms around him. The door of the spring-house opened. Remus hadn't heard any sound coming from the interior, nor did he pick up any scent from under the door; Severus had outdone himself. The spring-house was locked down tighter than Azkaban.

"Tonks isn't here?" said Lin.

"She must be working late," replied Remus. He received such a disapproving look from Lin that he momentarily wondered if his ability to tell a convincing lie had gone rusty. "I thought I made my position clear, Lin."

"You did, but I'm compelled to tell you how I feel. I think you're being narrow-minded and cruel."

"That was very blunt."

"Yes, and I'm sorry, but that's the way I see it."

"If Dora were to have a medical procedure performed, it wouldn't be up to me to approve or deny her decision."

"It's not about Tonks having the final say, Remus. It's about knowing that her opinions and feelings matter to you."

Lin's words hit Remus like a hammer blow. He thought he was protecting Tonks, but in reality he'd alienated her. What they were planning to do tonight was illegal and everyone involved could be heavily prosecuted. Remus thought about the argument he and Tonks' had. She could've threatened him with prosecution. She could've arrested him, but she didn't. The fact that she knew what they were planning and didn't intervene could cost her, her job and her freedom.

"We're ready when you are," said Lin.

"I just need a minute."

"Make that a few minutes," said Tonks as she dashed through the garden. She'd barely finished speaking when Severus appeared in the open doorway with his wand drawn.

"A little communication would've been appreciated."

"Sorry," said Tonks as she tripped over a root. Remus caught her before she sell flat on her face. Severus holstered his wand and went inside. Lin turned to follow him.

"You weren't supposed to tell her, Lin."

"You said that you weren't telling her, you didn't say that I couldn't."

"That was very sneaky."

"I bullied her," said Tonks.

"No, you didn't," laughed Remus. Lin quietly closed the door to give them privacy.

Tonks feigned offense. "I'm well trained in the fine art of interrogation."

Remus, whose arms were still around Tonks' waist, pulled her closer to him. "I know I said I didn't want you here, but I'm so happy to see you."

"You didn't really think you could keep me away, did you?"

"I never meant to push you away. I just want to be a proper husband to you and father to Teddy."

"You already are those things."

"What I am is a cursed man, nothing you say will change the fact. But I have a chance, slim as it may be, to be normal. I need to try, Dora. I have to do this."

"I know," said Tonks as she held him tightly.

"I have your blessing then?"

"Yes, you have my blessing."

The Redemption of Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now