Part 34

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Through all of this horror, Lindsay continued to play her violin. She played any pleasant melody her terrified mind could recall. That violin was her last refuge; the only family member she had left and she clung to it with both body and mind. The familiar feel of its curved body under her chin, the graceful sliding of her hand on its neck, and her nimble fingers dancing on its fingerboard were the only comforts she could call upon. She let her eyes rest on it as she played.

"Look!" shouted the poor woman. "Look at me!"

"I think she likes it," said one of the men. The rest laughed except for Lucius. He looked disgusted, but he dared not look away for fear of incurring his master's wrath.

Lindsay raised her eyes to meet the woman's. Her bruised and swollen eyes were wide with fear. She locked eyes with Lindsay and refused to turn away; it was her one truly defiant act. Lindsay felt sick, but couldn't avert her eyes. After a moment, she realized that the woman had ceased to blink. They wouldn't need to use the Killing Curse on her. She'd passed away with one of them still on top of her.

"Enough!" hissed Voldemort. He rose imperiously from his throne. An angry swish from his wand turned Lindsay's violin to ash that wafted gently to the floor. The three men hurried out to him and prostrated themselves before him. "This is the respect that you show me?" The men didn't know how to reply and muttered incomprehensibly. "Fornicating with a muggle," said Voldemort viciously. "You've reduced my noble cause to a display of coarse depravity. You're not fit to grovel at my feet."

"But, my Lord," protested the smallest of the three. He didn't get to finish speaking.

"Avada kedavra!" shouted Voldemort. He crucioed the remaining two and, as an afterthought, crucioed Lindsay as well. She had no description for the pain that she felt. Every sort of physical pain she'd ever experienced in her life invaded her body and was magnified tenfold. She lost all sense of time. Her body twisted and contorted and she was unable to hold back the screams. Moments later, Voldemort released the curse and turned his attention to someone new. "Ah, Severus, so good of you to come." His tone was gracious.

"My Lord," replied Snape with a courteous bow of his head.

"You've missed most of the fun, Severus, but there is one last to be dealt with." Voldemort flicked his wand and Lindsay felt herself rising up from the floor. He raised his wand and was about to kill her, when he stopped, cocked his head, looked closely at her eyes, and then moved toward her. He ran his hand through her dark-red hair and said, "This is what you like, isn't it, Severus?" He spoke as if he'd just picked up Snape's favorite snack from a grocery store shelf. "This one looks better than the last. Well, after a bit of clean-up, perhaps. She is yours—a gift."

"Thank you, my Lord," said Snape, his face an inscrutable marble-white mask.

"I am a most generous Lord, am I not?"

Snape bowed his head reverently, and gripped Lindsay's arm tightly. "Indeed, my Lord."

"Don't be bashful, Severus," said Voldemort; once again his mood had changed abruptly. His manner moved from gracious to threatening in a heartbeat's time. His expression was dangerous and his eyes cold. "Entertain us." He waved his hand toward the same room where Lindsay had seen the other woman die.

Snape didn't hesitate. He dragged Lindsay roughly across the room. He stood in the doorway and pushed Lindsay onto the magically expanded lounge. It was covered with the other woman's blood. Lindsay's clothes were removed with a silent flick of his wand and landed in an untidy heap on the floor. The after effects of the Cruciatus made her weak, and she trembled uncontrollably. Every nerve and muscle in her body throbbed in pain. He leaned over her, picked up a lock of her hair, and trailed it between her breasts. As Snape began to climb onto her, the only thing she could think to do was grab his hair and pull. He caught her wrists and pushed her down into the cushion. He leaned in closely and whispered, "Do you want to live?" Something about the tone of his voice made her relax, and he released his hold. She could hear the men in the other room laughing loudly, and she felt humiliated. Cruciatus was preferable to this.

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