Part 70

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A/N: This story is a draft and has been minimally edited, so please judge it accordingly.

The morning after the award ceremony was blissfully quiet. The only persons in the house were Lin, the baby, and Severus himself. Severus picked at his breakfast, which Lin had cooked and brought to him. He'd never had breakfast in bed and the novelty of it was pleasant. He was on the mend, but his appetite hadn't fully returned so he generally ate several small meals rather than three full ones.

The award ceremony had exhausted Severus both physically and emotionally. He hadn't expected to survive the war. All of his plans and motivations had revolved around gaining Lily's favor and defeating the Dark Lord. But now the Dark Lord was dead, Lily had rejected him yet again, and he was a hero to much of the magical world. Severus didn't know what to do with himself. He was alive. He was famous, and now he had a lifetime to plan.

Severus set his breakfast tray aside and rose to dress. Lin would collect the tray later. He gathered his crutches and hobbled down the backstairs to his study intent on working on the Lycanthropy potion he still hadn't perfected. Severus began to feel sore after only an hour of sitting. His legs ached, particularly the right one. It took him several seconds to push himself to his feet and several more seconds to get his right leg to move. Once again, he grabbed his crutches and hobbled outside to his private dueling arena; it frustrated him that he was in no condition to make use of it. For all of his miserable life, Severus had, had a remarkably strong constitution and his current enfeebled sate was shameful and frustrating to him.

As he cast his eyes about the area, it occurred to him that the wards he'd placed here before his unexpectedly short demise were in need of reinforcement. Minerva, Lupin, Tonks, and even Kingsley Shacklebolt himself had placed wards all over the property, even the fireplaces had been removed from the Floo network to protect he and Lin from rogue Death Eaters, but none of them entered Severus' private spaces; the dueling arena being the most private of all.

Severus could still use his wand and cast a few non-verbal spells, but he was weak and so was his magic. He wasn't sure if he could set wards of sufficient strength to keep out unwanted visitors. Severus had just drawn his wand when Lin passed through the study door.

"Horace is here. He'd like to see you," said Lin pleasantly. Severus rolled his eyes. "He worries about you, Severus."

"He's worried about his investment."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know you offered him something, Lin. What was it?"

"If you must know; a cottage in Hogsmeade with a housekeeper and gardener." Severus' jaw set. "He's not getting any younger, Severus. He needs looking after."

"Is that the story he sold you? It's difficult to believe that anyone who survived a direct encounter with the Dark Lord could be so naive."

"I'm not naive, Severus," spat Lin. "I'm grateful. You were on the verge of death for weeks. Horace procured some very difficult to find Potions ingredients for you while you were in St. Mungo's, and he brewed night and day for you when you came home. Do you have any idea how difficult that was for a man his age?"

"Did the offer of a cottage in Hogsmeade come before or after the potions?"

"Horace may have his odd little quirks, but he cares about you, and it wouldn't kill you to show a little gratitude."

"You must stop trying to save the world with money," growled Severus.

"I was raised to be charitable," said Lin sharply.

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