Chapter 41

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~ Sophia's POV ~
Today the huge group and I all went to Applebee's for Supper. Oh yeah and as in huge group I mean Ashley, Nick, Lilly, Connor, Molly, Danny, Jeydon, & me.

When we left the restaurant we all got into our separate vehicles. Ashley, Lilly, Nick, & Connor in one. Molly and Danny in another as Jeydon and I were in his jeep.

We all went our separate ways. Jeydon walked me over to my house when we got home.

I'm not for sure where Danny and Molly went because when I got home nobody was there. I ran up the stairs skipping every other step on the way up. I headed for my bathroom and took a shower after grabbing my PJ's.

After my shower I jumped on my bed landing on my back. I pulled out my phone to see I had a text

Jey =^.^= : I had a blast tonight we should do that again sometime. Maybe just you and me ;)

I texted him back : I had a good time as well and that would be fun we should do that sometime :)

I laid my phone down beside me as I stared stared the ceiling wait for a response. As I looked at the ceiling I noticed there was a reflected shape. I noticed that my blinds and curtains weren't closed. I got up off the bed and looked to see where the refection was coming from. It was on my dresser I walked over to it to see a necklace laying on a note. The necklace was the same one my brother was going to get me.

As I picked up the note I noticed there was 3 photos under it...

One was of Beck and me when we were goofing off in the truck. I sat that photo down and looked at the next one. It was of Jason and me when we were watching a movie. He pulled out his phone and we took a silly photo. I looked at the last photo and I was terrified...

It was a photo of me and my brother. The brother that went missing years back.

I grabbed the note and opened it. It read:

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
Jason once protected you.

But now.....

The Roses are withered,
The Violets are dieing,
Jason's no longer here,
So now I'm after you.

I grabbed all the stuff and threw it in a box I hid deep in my closet. Who knew about my brother? Who's after me?

I thought things where over but truly,

Things were just getting started.


This is the last chapter :(

I had a blast writing this story and I'm starting to write a second one for this. Although I wont get this second one posted till after I get finished editing/ writing a better version of "The Sleepover". I'm most likely going to change the title of it and I know for sure I'm going to change the description.

I also would like to know what I should base "The Sleepover" around. Should it be Vampires or Fallen Angels?

Thank you guys so much for vote, commenting, and reading this.

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