Chapter 12

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~ No ones POV ~

A few weeks have passed from when she woke up in the basement. Sophia now gets to eat once a day. Her leg is better from the Tylenol she gets and is able to walk now.

~ Sophia's POV ~

I was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling thinking of what to do. There wasn't much to do but to think of my family and friends or to think of an escape plan. I looked over to the door for the bathroom. I need to take a shower I feel really dirty. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed the towels from under the sink and a washcloth. I looked in the shower and there was already body wash and shampoo. It was mens but it'll have to work. I took my sweater off and as I was about to take off my shorts I realized they left my phone in my pocket. Haha SUCKERS!!! I threw my shirt back on and turned on my phone. I dialed 911. "911 whats your emergency?" a woman's voice spoke. "Hello I've been ki-" that's when one arm canceled and threw the phone as the other wrapped around my waist. "Not so fast there missy. Your gonna ruin the plan if you do that." It was Jason, he spun me around and pined me against the wall. He was to strong and a foot taller than me making it even harder to get away. "Jason let go!" I yell up at him. "Hmmm let me think about that... No," he said smirking down at me. I don't know what it is about his smirk but it's cute. Wait I did not just think that. "This isn't fair!" I yelled. "Why isn't this fair?" He asked looking down at me. "Your like twice my size." I said squirming. "Aw is Soph having trouble with escaping?" he asked sarcastically. He thew me over his should then picked up the phone. He carried me out of my room and down the hall. "Jason put me down! This isn't funny!" I yelled at him as I hit his back as hard as possible. "Nah." he carried me into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets with me hanging over his shoulder. "I can walk you know." I said letting my arms hang. Beck sat up on the couch in the living room just grinning. "Beck this isn't funny! Make him put me down!" I yelled at him. "I don't know. I think your on your own this time." he said heading for the stairs. "Looks like your stuck with me." Jason said setting me down on a stool at the island. "What do you want to eat?" he asked turning around to face me. "What is there to eat?" I asked getting up off the stool. "We have pizza rolls, pizza, cereal, or you could make a sandwich." he listed off foods as he looked through the fridge. "What kind of pizza?" he opened the freezer pulling out the pizza. "Looks like it's pepperoni." I smiled. I like any pizza pretty much. "That's fine by me." He threw the pizza in the oven and we went and sat on the couch. I grabbed the tv remote and turned it on. "In breaking news the 15 year old Sophia Tatum has not been found she was last seen leaving the school in a white sweater and jeans. It's been two months since she has went missing and a month since we have last heard from her." I just stared at the tv as it showed a lot of people talking about me. When Molly's interview popped up a tear ran down my cheek. "She is an amazing girl. I hope who ever took her realizes that and sets her free. I don't know why she was the one tak-." The tv turned off and I just stared at it not wanting to make eye contact. "W-why did you take me J-jason?" He exhaled and got up from the couch. "I don't want to talk about it." he said in a low voice. I stood up in anger, "Why Jason? Why is it every time I bring up this fricking topic you block me out?" I yelled at him as he walked into the kitchen. I followed him into the kitchen. I went to yell at him but Beckett's arm snaked around my waist and faced me toward the living room. He covered my mouth so I couldn't talk and walked me up the stairs. I tried squirming and dragging my feet but he just lifted me up and carried me the rest of the way. He walked me down the hall into my room. He carried me over to a bed and sat me on his lap. A river of tears hit me as Beckett wrapped his arms around me as he swayed a little. We sat there for a while with my head against his chest and his hand rubbing my back trying to calm me down.


Poor Sophia! Why did Jason and Beckett kidnap her? This chapter started happy and kinda went down hill to sad. What's up with Jason? Is he bipolar or just very short temper or maybe both?

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