Chapter 2

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When I woke up I headed for the bathroom connected to my room. I grabbed my clothes that I picked out last night and changed. I then begin to do my hair and makeup. My outfit consisted of a cream sweater laying over my blue tank. My jeans are ripped and I have flip flops on my feet. I decided to curl my hair because I loved how it looks. After I got done getting ready I headed downstairs and grabbed a pop tart. Max was sitting in the living room watching Spongbob waiting on Danny. When Danny got done he picked up Max and his book bag then turned to me, "Ready?". Dad must have headed to the station already and Rachel, our step mom, must have headed for the bank. "Yeah. Did dad already head out to the station?". We both grabbed our bags and headed for the door. "Yeah, he got a call about something and had to leave early." We walked out to Danny's 2004 mustang and got in. Danny pulled his seat forward for Max to get to the back seat. After we all were buckled up Danny drove out of the driveway. We dropped off Max at the elementary then we headed for the high school.

When we got there I headed to where my friends normally sat in front of the school. While Danny went off some where else. As I walked up to my friends Molly stood up from where she was sitting under the tree and gave me a hug, "Hey, Sophia. Did you hear about the accident this morning?" I sat down under the tree with the rest and Molly sat beside me. "No, what happened? My dad left before I got up and Rachel was already out of the house." She looked at me then to Ashley, another friend of ours. They were sister, both with blonde hair but Molly's was darker closer to a brown. Ashley was sitting by her boyfriend, Nick. He's a nice guy he's on the football team. "There was a huge car crash on the highway outside of town. People think it was a set up, like someone had made the accident happen." Molly said looking at the parking lot. I realized Lilly and Connor hadn't gotten here yet and I began to worry. "Have you guys heard from Lilly or Connor since the accident?" I asked looking at everyone. Ashley spoke up, "No. We called them both but their phones went to voice mail." I had a bad feeling about what happened. Lilly lives out of town a little ways and Connor would pick her up every morning before school. We all stayed silent staring at the parking lot looking for Lilly and Connor but they never showed up.

When the bell rung for lunch we still hadn't heard from them. We all were in the lunch line when someone came up behind me and hugged me. It was Lilly. I turned around and hugged her back, "Oh my gosh, where have you been? We started to worry." She looked ok, she didn't look hurt. "We got held up in traffic. They had to clear up the road, but they ended up just taking the people out and left the vehicles. They made a detour which took FOREVER to get through because you had to go clear over to Washington." I was happy to see them. After Lilly gave me a hug she headed to Ashley and Molly. Connor was kinda just standing there, so I gave him a hug. He was my guy best friend, and Molly was my best friend. Ashley and Lilly normally hung out.

After lunch we all went our different ways to class. Here I come history, gag. It was my least favorite subject. Sometimes I'm surprised I don't sleep through it. After getting through all my classes I didn't end up with not that much homework. When the last bell rang we all left the room and I headed for my locker to put some books away that I didn't need. Some one came up behind me and I turned around to see Molly, "Hey Sophia, I need to head home and get my stuff then I should be over." I smiled, it's been a long time sense we had a sleep over because she was gone most of the summer. "Ok, sounds good." She walked off down the hall and out the door. I headed for the locker room and grabbed my cheer clothes that I wore yesterday to practice and put them in my bag. When I headed out the doors the air was a little chilly from the fall breeze. I headed for the trail because it was still nice enough to walk. As I walked down the trail the leaves crunched under my feet. As I walked further I got the same feeling from yesterday. I stopped and looked around, "Hello? Is someone out there?" No answer. I began to walk again til I heard a stick break. "Ok, this isn't funny who's there?" Someone came up behind me and covered my mouth with a cloth. "Hello..", whoever it was, it was a guy, his voice was dark and made chills run up and down my spine. That's when everything went black.

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