Chapter 35

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~ Sophia's POV ~

Beckett pulled the truck up to the entrance and dropped us off. "I'm gonna go drive around. Call me when your ready to leave." he said as Jason shut the door. Jason and I hooked arms and walked in.

"Welcome to Café Central! Do you have a reservation?" a woman asked as we walked in. "Yes, Moretz." she smiled and looked at the book. "Right on time. This way Mr. and Mrs. Moretz." she said as she grabbed a few things off a table and guided us. She led us to the back of the restaurant to a room with a table set up for two. Jason pulled out my chair and scooted it in as I sat down. He then sat down in his own chair.

"Your waiter or waitress will be here in a few." she sat down two menus in front of us and left.

"Wow this is beautiful. I can't believe you brought me here." I said looking around. When I brought my gaze down to him, he was staring at me. Staring at me with those beautiful hazelnut colored eyes.

"I'm glad you like it." he said smiling. I smiled back as our waitress walked in. "Hello my name is Tris. What would you like to drink?" she looked at us both. Jason turned his attention to the waitress. "I'll take a Coke and she'll take," he looked into my eyes and I could see them twinkle, "a mountain dew, right?" he said and I nodded. She wrote down what we said then walked off.

"Jase can you show me to the restroom? I kinda need to go." I said feeling embarrassed. He stood up smiling, "Yes I can." He held my hand as we walked out of our room.

On the way there our waitress was on her way back to our table. Jason stopped her, "Hello Tris, we were wondering were your restrooms are?" he asked. She turned and pointed, "It's over there. You'll see a sign on the wall." she then continued walking.

When we got there Jason let me go in alone. I walked in and there was a window that let the moonlight shine through. It looked so beautiful. I walked into one of the stalls and did my business. I then left the stall and washed my hands. As I looked in the mirror it hit me. "Wait a minute... a window." i whispered to myself.

I walked over to it and luckily for me it opened wide enough for me to fit through. I jumped out the window then pulled it back down as far as I could. When I looked around I realized I was in an alley. I started walking toward the front of the building but I stopped when I seen a familiar shadow up ahead.

I'm doomed


Here we have it... A cliffhanger. So who's down the alley? Did Jason figure out her plan? Did Beck decide to stay in the parking lot? How's Jason gonna react when he notices Sophia's gone?

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