Chapter 31

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~ Sophia's POV ~

I was almost out of breath when the front door opened. Jason and me separated as we heard it open. Hoping whoever it was didn't see us kissing. it was Beckett. "Why are the lights of-... WHOA WHOA WHOA!" he started to say then covered his eyes. "Warn me when you guys do that from know on." he said still holding his hand over his eyes. "Beckett you can look now. We aren't doing anything...." Jason looked at me smirking, "Not at the moment anyway." I hit him in the arm causing him to chuckle. Beck removed his hand from his eyes and walked into the living room. "So what should we do tonight and tomorrow? Any ideas?" Beckett asked siting down on the couch. Jason looked over at me so I spoke up, "Not a clue,". Jason and me sat down on the floor by the fire. "I'm out of ideas how 'bout you Beck?" he asked. "Well I guess we could watch movies. I don't really have any other ideas." Beckett said getting up off the couch. He walked over to the shelves and looked at the movies. "How about 'You're Next'?" Beckett asked grinning. Jason and me agreed on it and he put it in.

When we were around half way through the movie we heard banging on the door. "What the f***?" Jason mumbles getting up and walking over to the door. When he opened it a guy walked in putting a gun to his head. "Hello.... Jason!" the guy said smirking. Beckett grabbed my hand and was about to stand up when I felt cold metal against my head. I slowly moved my head and seen there was a guy holding a guy to Beckett's head too. "Stand up missy and no one gets hurt." said a guy with a rough voice. I stood up slowly as I felt an arm snake around my stomach. I looked at Jason who was staring straight at me. I felt my eyes water and I tried to keep myself from crying but it didn't work. A tear escaped my eye and the guy holding the gun to Jason just chuckled. "Awww did pretty boy fall for her? Too bad she has to die." the guy said to Jason then looked at me and winked. "What do you need Kannon?" Jason asked the guy beside him. "Hmmm lets see. You kidnapped a girl and was suppose to kill her after you got the money but instead you let her live and kill a different girl to take her place." Kannon said pushing Jason. Jason stumbled back but stayed on his feet. "What do you want me to do?" Jason asked. "Let's see. You kill the girl now or we kill her ourselves." Kannon said looking to me. "What do I have to use to kill her?" Jason asked. I couldn't believe my ears Jason was going to kill me after all. How could I be so stupid to fall for his act. Leading me on to make an even worse death gosh I'm so fricking stupid. "You can use this gun and if you don't shoot her then one of my boys will shoot you." The guy said handing Jason his gun. The guy standing behind me walked me over closer to Jason so I was in a better shooting spot. The guy soon backed away out of the way. I looked over at Beck who wasn't even facing our direction. I then looked to Jason he was holding the gun up ready to shoot. "May I say something?" I said almost confidently. I might as well speak my words before I die. Kannon looked at me and nodded. "Thank you. Before I die, I'd like to tell you how I feel about you." I said looking straight at Jason then the gun. "Truth is Jason you were an a** from the start. You have the worst short temper I've ever had to deal with and your SOOOOO bipolar. One minute your acting normal then the next your punching walls. You slowly started to become "nice" then you became a flirt. Now here we are just like the beginning. You killed an innocent girl and now your gonna be killing another. What did I ever do to y-," that was the last thing I said before I heard the sound of a gun and a pain shot through my leg. The pain hurt so much I couldn't stand and I fell down to the ground with a loud thud. As I laid on the ground I heard a gun go off twice and two loud noises followed that. I tried to keep my eyes open to see what happened but I couldn't. As my eyes closed I could hear someone but I could really understand them. They picked me up when another gun shot went off and right about then I blacked out.


CLIFF HANGER. So Jason was faking the whole time? Wow shocker. So who got shot? Did Kannon and his guys shoot Jason and Beck... Or is it the other way around.

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