Chapter 33

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~ Sophia's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of tires on pavement and the feeling that I was moving. My leg was acing in pain but i couldn't remember why until it hit me.

I opened my eyes to see I was looking up at Jason. He was staring our the window in deep thought. "What's going on?" I asked. He looked down at me almost looking sad but it soon turned to excitement.

Jason sat me up and hugged me liked he hadn't seen me in years. "We took them down. Beckett removed the bullet and cleaned your wound." he said.

I looked out the back window wonder where we were heading, "Where are we going?"

"We're heading up to Alaska. We're hoping no one will find us there." he said as he sniffled quietly.

"Jason, are you okay?" I tried to remove his head from my shoulder but he wouldn't budge. He just hugged me tighter. "Jason look at me." He still didn't put his head up, instead he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"I could have lost you Sophia. Just from one shot to the leg I could have lost you." he whispered out. I hugged him tighter. I hated it when a guys cried it always made me sad. By what he said and how he said it. He made it seem like he cares. I smiled with a few tears in my eyes.

"Well you didn't loose me. I'm still here." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

We sat there for a while just hugging until it got uncomfortable and I sat down beside him. The rest of the ride there Jason and Beck switched a few times and got around a 4 hour break.


"Welcome to Alaska sleepy heads!" Jason hollered. He hopped out of the truck and opened the back seat. "Where are we?" I asked as I lifted my head up from Beck's shoulder. "We're at a cabin my family owns." he said as his jaw line tightened. We all grabbed our things and walked into the cabin. We did the same thing we had done for the past few moves. Put our stuff away and laid down sense it was midnight and everyone was tired.


When I woke up Jason was still sleeping. I wonder what time it is. I look at the two night stands but there's no clock. I remembered that Jason had his phone in his pocket. At the moment he had his back facing me so I rolled over to him and laid my arm over his side. He didn't flinch so he's still asleep. I slowly move my hand to his pocket. I grabbed a hold of his phone and slowly removed it.

"You know try to seduce me in my sleep isn't what I had in mind." Jason said, in a sleepy voice, with a smirk.

"Jason you butt hole. Only you would come up with such a sentence." I said pushing his shoulder as he just chucked. He rolled over to face me. He looked at my hand seeing the phone.

"If your plan was to call the cops, it has failed." he said looking to me then to the phone.

"Actually that wasn't the plan. I wanted to see what time it was and I knew if I got up to check it on the microwave you would have woken up." I said as I looked at the time on his phone. His screen saver was a picture of me and him when we were goofing around one day.

"So have you figured out that escaping is impossible on my watch?" he asked grabbing a hold of my hand without the phone.

"Nope, I'm just wasn't in the mood to escape at the moment." I said grinning.

"You can keep trying but you'll always get caught." he said looking me straight in the eye. I didn't say anything after that. We just stared at each other. After a while I felt awkward so I closed my eyes. Jason moved over closer still holding my hand.

"Here's your phone back." I said as I opened my eyes and put it back in his pocket.


Sounds like Jason's flirting again? Is he still a player or is he actually falling for Sophia? So how long will they last at the cabin? Does Sophia's family still believe she's dead?

Sorry it's been a while sense I posted I was camp and had no internet to edit.

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