Chapter 21

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~ Jasonn's POV ~

I can't sleep, its three in the morning and I'm staring at a dark wall. What's wrong with me, how could I kiss her? She probably thinks I'm some weird short temper guy that kidnapped her. Gosh how could I be so stupid. I rolled over so I was staring at the ceiling and laid that way til I drifted of to sleep.

~ Sophia POV ~

"Soph, wake up. Wake up." I open my eyes to see Beck shaking my shoulders. "Finally! You must be a heavy sleeper." Come on and get dressed." he said walking out of the room. What was that for? I got out of bed and changed into jeans and a sweatshirt. It was freezing in the house did someone turn on the AC? It's almost winter are they crazy? I walked down the stairs and there was a guy, that looked like he was in his older 40's, was standing in the living room talking to Jason and Beckett. "This must be Sophia." he said with a smirk. Jason stood up and walked up and stood behind me with his hand on my shoulder and one on my middle back. "Sophia this is Wade." he said pointing to the guy. I did a little wave and looked away. Wade walked up to me and ran one hand down the side on my face. "What a beautiful young lady Chad has. To bad he doesn't have a daughter anymore. Well it was nice meeting you and Jason remember what I said." Wade said as he walked out the front door. "What did he tell you Jason?" I asked turning to face him. I was worried it had something to do with me. "Nothing major." he mumbled as his jaw tightened. Beckett turned on the tv and the news was on. "The kidnapping of Sophia Tatum search has closed after a farmer found her lifeless body floating on a creek out by his crop field. She was kidnapped five months ago in August on her way home from school. The kidnapper is still on the loose and we haven't heard anything sine the video that the police received a few months back..." Beckett turned off the tv and kinda looked at Jason with a worried face. Wait my family thinks I'm dead? No. No way they can't believe that. I couldn't take it. I ran up the stairs and into the bedroom slamming the door behind me. I jumped onto the bed and started to bawl. How could they do that? How could they make my family believe I was dead?


So Sophia's known as 'dead' to her family and friends. Who's the girl that was found? Will the police figure out the Sophia's not dead? Does anyone have any good ideas on which celeberty could play as Wade? A guy that looks a about 40ish? If so comment them below and I might choose yours :)

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