Every Part of You (Dean Fluff)

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Anonymous said: Can you do a dean x reader where they've been fighting and then he hits her but Sam hears and comes to stop it. Then the reader storms out and then Sam finds her and calms her down and convinces her to go back. Then dean and the reader make up and fluff. LIKE MOTHER LOAD OF FLUFF. Dear god that was long I'm sorry.

A/N: No, no, anon, long is fine! I love having details to ensure that I get the request how you want it!

Word Count: 1,228

Relationship: DeanxReader

Warnings: slight swearing, fighting.


Your hands were formed into fists, your nails digging into the palms. Your whole body was shaking with anger as you looked into the eyes of your boyfriend of a year, Dean Winchester. On another occasion, perhaps you would have been mesmerised by their beauty, but in this moment you only wanted to look away from them.

There was a vampire hunt Dean and Sam had been looking into for a while, finally tracking down their nest a few states over. You knew that this was no ordinary hunt, in fact, Dean and Sam even hesitated on calling someone else to help them. When you asked when you would be leaving, Dean told you that you were not coming, since it was too dangerous.

That made you feel like anger was flooding through your veins. You were perfectly good hunter, thank you very much. You'd even hunt a few years before meeting the Winchesters, so what was the big deal about this nest? After all, if they needed extra help why couldn't you go?

"Dean, you are being completely irrational right now," you whispered coldly. Sam had left the bunker's library along with Kevin, who didn't need to be told twice, as everyone could see that you were more angry than ever before. "I deserve to go! You and Sam are going to be there and you can't just expect me to sit here and wait patiently for you to return!"

"(Y/N), you're staying here whether you like it or not!" Dean yelled back, his voice sending shivers down your spine. "You are not going, and that's final!"

"Do you not trust me?!" You shrieked, your voice breaking. "Is it that it? THE GREAT DEAN WINCHESTER THINKS HIS PETTY, LITTLE GIRLFRIEND IS GONNA MESS UP HIS HUNT?!"

"DAMN IT, YOU KNOW IT'S NOT THAT!" Dean took a step closer to you, but you didn't back down.

"You know, I bet there isn't even a hunt, is there?" You spat, knowing you were going too far. "I am not good enough for you?! 'Cause I'm thinking you're just probably gonna hook up with some random bar girl like the low-life you are!"

There was a sharp pain on your left cheek as you gasped. Dean was breathing hard, his jaw set firmly. Anger was written all over his face, but before either of you could say anything else, Sam ran into the room, looking between you and Dean. His eyes settled on your face, looking at what was likely a huge red mark.

"Dean, what's going on?" He asked carefully, looking at his brother, but you heard a small hint of anger in his voice. Dean looked down, though he was still fuming. "(Y/N)?"

"Nothing, Sam," you said storming off past him as you threw a look of disgust in Dean's direction.

As soon as you were out of the library, you took off running to your room, slamming the door behind you. You paced around for a bit, taking deep breaths and closing your eyes, before you finally threw yourself on too of the bed. You grabbed your pillow and screamed into it, letting out all your anger.

Twenty minutes passed before there was a soft knock at your door.

"(Y/N)?" Sam's worried voice called, and you stood up, quickly wiping away the few tears that rested on your cheeks. Sniffling, you opened the door and let him in.

You sat on the edge of the bed, looking away. Sam sat next to you, and tentatively put his arm around your shoulders. You leaned on his side, glad that he was your best friend.

"(Y/N), I think you should go talk to Dean," he said softly.

"And why the hell would I do that?" You wanted to sound strong, angry, or at the very least sad, but your voice only came out weak.

"He's sorry," Sam muttered, and turned around to face you when you scoffed. "He is. (Y/N), listen to me; you are the most important thing to Dean, and for him to do what he did was wrong and stupid, but he loves you."

You knew he was right, however, the stubborn part of you was telling you to never forgive Dean, to let him pay for what he brought on himself. But you loved Dean, and there wasn't a single thing in the universe that could stop that.

"I guess could give him a second chance," you sighed after thinking about Sam's words. He gave you a small smile as you stood up, heading to the library.

Dean had his head in his hands, his shoulders slumped in a way that made him look very vulnerable. You stepped quietly inside, pulling a chair next to him and sitting down. He turned to face you slowly; his eyes were filled with sorrow and guilt, and from the redness of them, you could see that he had been crying.

"(Y/N)..." He sounded disbelieving, and once he realised that it was you, Dean looked down, ashamed of himself. "Baby, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to do that, and I just...there's no words to express how bad I feel."

"I forgive you, Dean," you said quietly, making his head snap up. "What you did was wrong, okay? I'm not trying to say it wasn't. But what I said was also wrong."

"I don't understand," Dean replied with sadness. "(Y/N), you should hate me."

"Dean, how could you ever think that?" With that, you wrapped him in a hug and felt as his strong arms held you tight.

"I don't deserve you," Dean mumbled into your hair, rubbing soothing circles on your back.

"You probably don't," you said cheekily, smiling when Dean pulled away with a small pout before placing a kiss on your lips.

You put your arms around his neck as Dean moved his hands to your waist, lifting you up and placing you on his lap. You tried not to giggle like a schoolgirl in love, but you couldn't stop it. Dean pulled away from you slightly, giving you a smug smile.

"What?" He said, and you punched his arm playfully.

"I love you," you shrugged, a light blush spreading across your cheeks. It was incredible how even after a year of dating, Dean had the same, wonderful effect on you.

"I love you more," Dean said kissing your forehead. "Every-" he placed a kiss on your cheeks, "part-" on your nose, "of you," he ended, kissing you passionately.

You felt his soft lips against yours, asking for an entrance, which you gladly gave him permission for. You breathed in Dean's smell of whiskey and his cologne, sighing happily. Dean was everything right now; one hand on your back and the other one on your hair, he tilted his head so he was positioned at a better angle, and you were about to unbutton to his shirt when a loud cough made you sprung apart.

"So...I guess everything's alright here?" Sam chuckled as you hopped off Dean's lap, your cheeks feeling hotter than ever.

"Oh, shut up," you muttered, making Sam laugh and Dean crack a smile. He took your hand and led you out of the room as Sam shouted something among the lines of "don't be too loud."

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