Fairy Tales (Samandriel fluff)

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Request: Hello! Can I request a Samandriel one shot where he assumed he was studying history but it was just fairy tales and the reader, not wanting to tell him just how grave the original stories are decides to show him the Disney movies and he’s fascinated with how much she got into it and knew all the lines and songs and he realized that the guys were right when they confronted him about it before that he does love the reader

Word count: 884

Warnings: none.


You were falling asleep for the third time this night. You rubbed your tired eyes; you were supposed to be doing some researched for the Winchesters, but after hours of finding nothing, your body had finally had enough. Across from you, Samandriel was reading calmly, looking up from his book when you yawned loudly.

“How long was I out this time?” You asked sleepily, blushing slightly under the stare of his beautiful blue eyes. You and Samandriel had been best friends for some time now; he was probably the one person—well, angel,—you were most comfortable with. But lately your emotions seemed to have shifted from friendship to something else.

“Just a few minutes,” Samandriel answered. You yawned again, earning a smile from the angel.

“What?” You asked after about a minute later of just staring at each other, fully awake now. You could feel your cheeks heating up again, and silently cursed yourself for the fact that you were in love with Samandriel.

“Nothing,” the angel shrugged, but his lips were still curved upwards. You stood up and went for a glass of water, looking over Samandriel’s shoulder as you came back.

“You’re reading Cinderella?” you asked with a smile, your eyebrows raised. Samandriel put the book down, giving you his full attention.

“Dean insisted I’d learn more about humans, so he gave me this history book,” Samandriel said, his voice full of innocence. You stopped yourself from giggling while making a mental note to confront Dean about this the next time you saw him.

“History book, huh?”

“Yes; it is very intriguing. Although it does seem rather grim.” Samandriel looked sad at this, and you, knowing the whole original story, decided to stop him before he read all of it.

“Sammy,” you said, calling him by his nickname, “did you know that there are movies about these stories?”

“There are?” Samandriel asked with surprise.

“Yup,” you nodded with a smile. “What do you say we watch some of them?”

 “I’d love to,” Samandriel said excitedly. He put the book down and you grabbed his hand, taking him to the living room you and the Winchesters had made in an empty bedroom. You browsed through the movies you had brought to the bunker, searching for the Disney ones. You found Beauty and the Beast and popped it into the DVD player, running to the kitchen for some popcorn.

You curled up next to Samandriel as the movie started. You’d always loved Disney movies as a child, and even now that you had grown up into a fierce hunter, you would still watch some of them every week. You recited the words of the prologue in your head as you ate, happily enjoying the fact that you and Samandriel were so close.

Once Belle started singing, you put the popcorn down and joined her. Though you sang quietly at first, you raised your voice as the song progressed, and you were out of breath when it ended. You had your eyes glued to the movie, being completely oblivious to Samandriel’s adoring gaze.

Just a few days ago, the Winchesters, along with Castiel, had cornered him in the kitchen, bombarding him with questions about his feelings for you. Samandriel had denied their claims of being in love with you, stating that you two were only friends. But now, as he watched you singing and quoting the movie, Samandriel realized that they were right.

“Did you like it?” You asked Samandriel once the movie ended, getting up and stretching your stiff muscles. You put Cinderella next with a small yawn, snuggling with the angel who contently wrapped an arm around you.

“It was enjoyable,” Samandriel half-lied. He hadn’t actually paid much attention to the movie, being distracted by his thoughts.

You followed along with the lines and songs again, but you had begun to notice how Samandriel was not really watching the movie. Every time you glanced at him, Samandriel would blush and look away, something which he didn’t do normally. Piecing this with the fact that lately Sam and Dean had been teasing you about the angel having certain…feelings for you, made you realize that the Winchesters were probably right.

You stood up as Cinderella and Charming started dancing. Samandriel gave you a confused look, but just grabbed his hands and pulled him up with you. You set his hands on your waist and then wrapped your arms around his neck.

“Ever slow danced, Sammy?” You asked quietly, and Samandriel shook his head, completely lost in how intimate the moment was. You giggled slightly, bowing your head when you felt your cheeks heat up. You looked up again a few seconds later, your eyes meeting Samandriel’s.

You kept dancing even after the music ended, not paying attention to the movie anymore. You smiled tentatively as Samandriel tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. You wondered for a second if he had seen people do that before or if he had done it on instinct, but stopped once you realized that Samandriel was inclining his head towards you. You closed your eyes and met him half way through, his soft lips capturing yours.

A warm, happy feeling spread inside of you, and you smiled faintly. Maybe you would have to thank Dean later. 

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