According to Plan (TFW Friendship)

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Request: can you do a one shot where the reader plays just dance with tfw? i thought it’d be hilarious omg

Word count: 1,063

Warnings: a bit of smut? I mean, it’s not actually smut at all, but yeah…


You entered the bunker, balancing two pizzas and a plate of cheese fries as you made your way down the set of stairs. You carefully walked to Sam’s room, pushing the half-opened door with your right hip. You held back a laugh at the sight of Dean moving the white steering wheel while trying to distract Sam, who looked more calm thanks to the fact that he was in front of his brother. They were sitting on the floor, leaving the bed to you and Castiel, the latter looking with interest at the screen.

"Boys, I brought the food," you said, opening one of the boxes and putting a French fry in your mouth. The Winchesters ignored you, their eyes glued to the game.

You sighed and settled in bed, making yourself comfortable as you waited for them to finish. With a triumphant roar from Sam, Dean swore under his breath and pouted. They put the remotes down and grabbed a couple slices of pizza.

“Don’t you want some, Cas?” You asked the angel, who politely shook his head.

"I don’t eat, (Y/N)," he replied, and you smiled. Of course you knew that he didn’t eat, but not was worth a try.

As you, Sam, and Dean ate, Castiel look through the games you had. You finished eating and joined him, knowing that if you wanted to have a nice, yelling-free night you couldn’t let Sam and Dean play Mario Kart anymore.

"What’s this?" Cas asked curiously, holding Just Dance in his hands.

"Oh, no, no, no, we’re not playing that," Dean said loudly, taking a sip from his drink. "Have you forgotten what happened the last time we did?"

You blushed slightly, looking down. While you were playing a few weeks ago, you had accidentally kicked Dean in the groin before loosing your balance and falling down and hurting your arm. Sam had laughed through all of this, only turning serious when he realised that you were actually injured.

"Well, it is Castiel’s turn to pick a game,” Sam remarked, and you sent him a glare. Cas smiled and put the game on, and you groaned as he passed you one of the remotes.

"I don’t know, Cas, I’m a terrible dancer," you said, trying to get out of being the first one. "Why don’t you and Sam go first?"

"Yeah, after all, Sammy was a major contributor to us playing this," Dean pointed out, smirking at his brother when you tossed him the controller.

Cas looked through the songs, finally settling on “Applause” by Lady Gaga. Sam was the one now glaring at you and Dean, but he turned his attention to the TV screen when the music began. You tried your hardest not to laugh immediately, but only managed to keep quiet for a few seconds before bursting in fits of giggles.

Sam’s giant body meant that he was constantly bumping into Castiel, who moved very slowly and awkwardly. When Sam tried to spin around, he accidentally bumped into Castiel, who int turn fell on the floor.

"Sorry, man," Sam apologised as he helped Cas up. You were holding your sides, struggling to breathe since you were laughing so hard. Dean had a few tears running down his face and was doubling over.

"I’m an angel, not a man, Sam," Cas replied just as you were calming down, but his comment only rekindled your laughter. Sam and Cas tried to continue dancing, Sam moving his hips dramatically and his arms flying wildly in attempt to keep up with Castiel, who now seemed to get the concept of the game. In the end, the angel beat Sam by a few points, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t surprised by this.

Sam handed you the controller, smirking slightly as he expected you to be as bad as him. After all, who could blame him, taking in mind what happened the last time. But now you were determined to prove him wrong, something that you truly enjoyed.

Sam sat down next to Dean, and you threw them a smug smile with a wink. You let Castiel pick the song since he had own, and in the mean while mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to do. You took a deep breath as “I Will Survive” began, closing your eyes for a second before opening them again.

You swayed your hips to the rhythm and started dancing, sometimes scooping a bit lower than necessary. You would raise your arms long enough so that a bit of your stomach was exposed, and then place your hands on your hips and do some very…seductive movements along with the ones on the screen. You could feel the boys’ eyes on you, even Castiel’s, who was losing by much.

The song ended, and you turned around, raising your eyebrows at Sam and Dean, who were covering their laps with a pillow, trying to look casual. You giggled and watched as Cas handed the controller to Dean, who took it while grumbling something about how cruel girls could be.

You picked the song this time and did the same thing, though this time enjoying yourself even more. Dean tried to keep his eyes on the game, but you could see that he was glancing at you every few seconds.

"Something wrong, Dean?" You commented half-way through with a laugh. 
“Why would anything be wrong?” He asked, but you could see the faint blush spreading on his cheeks. You were about to do a spin when Dean’s body collided against yours, making you lose your balance and fall with a yelp. Since you had grabbed Dean’s shirt on the process, he fell on top of you, cursing as your knee hit the spot between his legs accidentally.

Sam roared with laughter as he took his phone out, and while you tried to push Dean off of you, you heard a camera shutter sound. You managed to throw Dean off of you and made an attempt to grab Sam’s phone, who in return put his enormous hand on top of your head and held you an arm’s length away from him.

"Say ‘cheese’," he said, smiling at the phone while you glared at him with hate, Dean groaned in pain, and Cas looked confused.

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