Trust (Cheating!Dean)

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Request: Y/n is a humble, selfless kind badass hunter. She has been dating dean for 2 years(They love each other!) but they fight one night and after y/n goes to apologize(its not her fault)she walks in on dean having sex with another girl. Dean did bc he was angry at y/n but realized he made a mistake. Sam is Y/n BFF so he trys comforting her/mad at dean. Y/n had a horrifying life before hunting and had no one so she feels alone like no one cares. She takes out all her anger out on hunts which is scary.

Word Count: 895

Warnings: Swearing, breakup, cheating.



That was the only word on your mind as you opened the door of your motel room. It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t fucking possible. You blinked a couple of times, hoping that what you saw wasn’t real, but it was. You had come to apologize for something that wasn’t even your fault and instead found this.

Dean looked at you from the bed with a deer in the headlights look, and the girl underneath him shifted uncomfortably. His shirt and jeans were thrown on the floor, leaving him with only his boxer. For the tiniest fraction of a second, you marveled at how hot his body was, but then you realized what was happening.

“We’re over,” you said, your voice shaking with anger. You felt your heart breaking, and it physically hurt you. You slammed the door behind you and ran into Sam’s room, locking the door as fast as you could.

“(Y/N)? (Y/N) what’s wrong?” Sam was at your side in less than a second, and you finally crumbled down, tears streaming through your face as you tried your hardest to breathe.

“(Y/N)! Baby, please!” You heard Dean banging on the door, but it only made you feel even weaker. “Sammy, open the door!”

Sam ignored his brother and took you in his arms, acting like the best friend he was. You continued crying until there were no tears left. At about three in the morning Sam fell asleep next you, and without making the tiniest sound possible, you slipped away from him. Your back arched from leaning on the door, but at this moment that didn’t matter. You carefully took one of Sam’s bags, and put a few of his shirts in there along with some money.

“I’m sorry Sam,” you whispered so silently that you almost didn’t hear your own voice. You leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for being there for me.”

You climbed out of the small motel window, taking a few minutes to adjust to the darkness. You sighed as you looked back. You loved Dean with all your heart, but you couldn’t get hurt, not once again. Tears pooled on your eyes once again, and you let them roll down as you started to walk away from the motel.


Not more than two months had passed and you already had formed a big reputation as a hunter. Before you had met the Winchester you had never really hunted that much, being too conflicted about who–what– you killed. But now you were not that fragile glass doll anymore.

Sam and Dean had called, of course, but you’d ignored them. For some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to throw your cell phone away, though it probably was because the missed calls and messages made you feels less alone. But you knew deep in your soul that they didn’t care. Or at least Dean didn’t care enough to find you.

You stopped thinking about him as you parked in front of an old warehouse. Time to decapitate some vamps.

No more than two hours later you stepped out of the place, your shirt and pants covered in blood. As you placed your gun and machete on your stolen car’s trunk, the voice of Sam entered your mind.

You’re becoming too reckless, it whispered.

There had been two women and a teenager in the nest. You hadn’t felt the slightest feeling of remorse as you killed them, and it was starting to scare you. You shook your head, clearing your thoughts as you started the engine. Before you could do anything, however, you saw a ’67 Chevy Impala pulling up behind you.

So, apparently Dean did care enough.

You knew stepping on the pedal would be useless, so you only sighed as he approached your car. Fighting back tears, you pushed the driver’s door open, climbing out with a shaky breath. You leaned against the car, taking notice of Sam’s absence.

“Hello, Dean,” you whispered before clearing your throat. “What are you doing here?”

“(Y/N), I want to apologize,” Dean said, stopping about a foot away from you.

“You cheated on me, Dean,” you said, your voice stronger now. “You went and had sex with another woman even though you knew I loved you! Did you know that I was actually gonna apologize?! I was ready to get over our petty little argument, even though it wasn’t my fault, AND I CATCH YOU FUCKING ANOTHER WOMAN!”

Dean flinched at your words, looking down. It made you feel powerful, but also somewhat bad. You still loved Dean, even after what he did.

“I know what I did was wrong,” Dean said, finally looking up again. “But (Y/N), I love you. I love you more than anything in the world, and trust me, I do. Please, is there any way that you could forgive me?”

“Dean…” your voice broke. You wanted him back, you knew that, but there was still so much anger in you. “I’m going to need time.”

“Yeah, I-I get that,” Dean sighed, extending his arms towards you. “…at least a hug?”

You looked at him for several seconds, before tentatively reaching out. Being in Dean’s arms again gave you a sense of comfort, even if you were sure it would take a while to give you a sense of trust.

Supernatural Imagines/One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें