The Little Mermaid (Kevin Tran fluff)

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Request: Can I request a Kevin one shot where the reader wakes up a mermaid and can’t talk unless she’s in water so Sam and Dean stick her in a tub and she’s given a good singing voice and starts singing and Kevin hears and works on the tablet while keeping her company since the voice lured him and he calls her the little Mermaid but she’s sad about that since she knows the real story is a tragedy and she already thinks she doesn’t have a chance with Kevin?

Word Count: 2,291

Warnings: none.


You let a deep breath out, rubbing your eyes as you pushed yourself off the bed. You had gotten back from a hunt just yesterday, and today you wanted nothing but a nice, stress-free day, perhaps spending it with a certain prophet.

You walked into the bathroom outside of your room, ready to brush your teeth and go have some breakfast. You turned the lights on and screamed after one look at your reflection. Or well, at least tried to, as all that came out was air and no noise.

There were three gill-like slits on the right and left side of your neck. Panicking, you tried to scream again, but you only managed to make your throat sore. You took a couple of deep breaths, telling yourself to calm down. But you couldn’t help to feel like you had lost one of the most precious things you had; after all, your voice was one of your biggest weapons in the world.

You looked at the unfamiliar parts of your body once more before shakily making your way to the bunker’s kitchen, knowing that Sam and Dean had to be there at this time in the morning. Sure enough, when you entered the room, you found the Winchesters talking and having breakfast.

"Hey (Y/N)," Sam greeted, glancing at you before looking back at his brother, who send a small wave at you. Then they did a double take.

Dean and Sam sprung up, their eyes wide as they rushed to you.

"What the heck happened?" Dean asked as he took in the gashes on your neck. You shook your head and shrugged, not knowing what else to do.

"Wait, can you talk at all?" Sam asked, and you shook your head again. "Great."

You looked at them hopelessly, hoping they would know what to do, but they looked just as lost as you were. Then you remembered the witch from your previous hunt. Before you had managed to shoot her, she had whispered something that sounded very much like a curse, but hadn’t finished since you pulled the trigger.

Everything clicked into place, and you scrambled around the kitchen, looking for paper and something to write with. You took the notepad from the fridge and wrote the word “witch” with the pen attached to it. You showed it to Sam and Dean, and they realised what was going on.

"You think the witch you were hunting did this?" Dean questioned, and you nodded, knowing that nothing else could’ve caused this. Dean turned to Sam at the same time as you. "Well, what do we do now?"

"You and I are going to research this," Sam said with a smile as Dean groaned, and then looked at you, turning serious again. "Now, (Y/N), I know this is going to sound weird, but I think the witch tried to turn you into a mermaid and for some reason didn’t do it correctly."

You smiled sheepishly, making a finger gun and pretending to shoot Dean.

"Oh, right. Well, mermaids can’t talk unless they’re in water, no?" He tried to explain, and you nodded, confused of why he was telling you this. "Then maybe you’ll be able to talk if you’re in water."

You worked out what he was trying to say, and gave him a look that obviously said, “are you serious?”, while Dean choked a laugh.

"C’mon, you can just try it," he insisted, and you sighed. After all, he did have a point.

Supernatural Imagines/One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang