The Princess and the Angel (Gabriel fluff, Winchester Sister!Reader)

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Request: Hey!! I think your writing is fantabulous, I hope you don’t mind but could you write a imagine where Gabriel sent the the reader and the brothers into movies, but not just any movies, disney ones. And like for example the reader is Cinderella and the brothers are the step sisters so their wearing dresses and all. Thank you!! I hope it’s not too much…

Word count: 1,008

Warnings: none (I think). 


The bunker’s library was rather quiet today. You had gotten back from a hunt yesterday, and now you were bored to death.

“Bored, bored, bored…” You managed to repeat the same word for a minute more before Sam, your brother, threw a pillow to your head. You laughed and threw it back, but Sam managed to catch it with one hand, never taking his eyes off his laptop. He smirked when he glanced at you, seeing you glaring at him. “Ugh, there’s nothing to do!”

“Why don’t you read a book or something?” Sam suggested. You sighed; usually you had no problem with reading to distract yourself, but today you needed something more active.

“Don’t get those nerdy ideas into her head, Sammy,” Dean said from the other side of the room. They started bickering and you put your head on your hands, groaning. There was a fluttering of wings, and thinking it was only Castiel, you kept on groaning.

“Well, I see your problem, (Y/N),” your head snapped open, meeting the mischievous eyes of Gabriel. Before you had time to reply, though, he snapped his fingers, making you feel dizzy. You closed your eyes and felt the world change around you.

You opened them again and looked around, marveled at what you saw.

You were in an impressive ballroom with the highest ceiling you’d ever seen. The blue tiles sparkled merrily, and there had to be more than a hundred people gathered there.  They were all staring at something, and as you kept looking around, you found out what: you.

For the first time since you had gotten there, you looked at yourself. You were wearing a beautiful, blue ball gown.  Understanding what was going on, you grinned, beginning to search for Dean and Sam; this had to be good.

You finally spotted the top of their heads on the corner of the room, and pushed your way through the looking crowd. When you finally reached them, you broke into loud laughter, and there were tears streaming down your face when you finally stopped.

Your brothers looked ridiculous. Sam was wearing a very ugly, green dress, and Dean had the same outfit on, only his dress was purple. Your laughs turned to giggles as they glared at you. You were holding on to the marvel column, trying to breathe.

“C’mon, (Y/N), take this seriously,” Sam said, and you finally stopped laughing, whipping tears off your face.

“Okay, okay,” you smiled. “What are we supposed to do?”

“Well, last time Gabriel did this we had to ‘play our parts’,” Dean said with frustration. “I suppose we do the same this time.”

In that moment, everybody stopped whispering, and you turned around. A handsome man was walking towards you, and the people around him stepped away to let him pass. He looked exactly like the prince for Cinderella, but his eyes were golden instead of brown.

“May I have this dance?” He said, offering you his hand as a slow song started playing. You giggled and nodded, ignoring how your brothers tensed up. Luckily they hadn’t noticed who he actually was. “Are you still bored?” The angel asked casually as he led you to the dance floor.

“I don’t think so,” you replied, doing a small curtsy as Gabriel put a hand on your waist and taking one of yours on his own. You put your free hand on his shoulder, keeping a reasonable distance between the two of you. “Why Cinderella though?”

“I thought it would be fun to see the Winchesters in dresses,” Gabriel said, wiggling his eyebrows, “especially you.”

“Not happening, Gabe,” you smirked as Gabriel pretended to look devastated.

“Well, see you later, sugar,” he said with a wink, and you felt dizzy once again.

You were riding a horse at a slow pace, the amazing Chinese scenery around you making you feel calm. There was a man riding next to you: General Shang. Judging by the carriage you were pulling, you guessed you were in Mulan II.

“Everything okay?” Shang asked, turning to you. Only he wasn’t Shang, but Gabriel. Yao, Ling and Chien-Po looked like they did in the movie, so they obviously weren’t Sam and Dean.

“Sure, but where are my brothers?” You asked him with a smile. Gabriel grinned and gestured to the carriage. You stopped your horse and attempted to get off of it, but it was pretty high. Sensing your problem, Gabriel snapped next to you, helping you climb off. “My savior,” you said dramatically.

“Only for my fiancée,” Gabriel replied cheekily, and you rolled your eyes. You walked to the back to the carriage and opened the door, bursting into fits of giggles as you took sight of Dean and Sam.

They were in dresses once more, and you could see their cheeks turn slightly red. Sam was dressed like Princess Ting-Ting, and Dean as Princess Mai.

“God, when will Gabriel get us out of here?” Dean groaned once Princess Su was out of the carriage. He didn’t need to wait long, however, for you felt that tingling and dizzying sensation again. You were back in the bunker, your favorite archangel sitting on a corner, flipping lazily through a book.

He looked up in fake surprise, though you could see his playful smirk.

“You crazy kids are back already?” He gasped, but before any of you could reply, you ran to him and hugged him, this time actually surprising him. “My, my, (Y/N), what exactly did I do to receive this delightful gift?”

“Put my brothers in dresses, of course,” you answered. Sam and Dean cleared their throat behind you, and you separated from Gabriel. “Well, thanks for distracting me, Gabe. I’m going to take a shower, boys.”

You walked out of the room, hearing the ruffle of wings that meant that Gabriel had run off somewhere else.

“Did she call him ‘Gabe’?” You heard Dean ask Sam angrily, and you giggled quietly. Man, was your angel in for some trouble the next time your brothers saw him.

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