Damn Dean Winchester (Dean fluff)

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Request: I love your work and your blog!! Can you write a sequel for ‘who to trust’ where the reader sticks around to help her uncle and she becomes close to the winchesters, especially Dean. She starts hunting with them but she won’t admit her feelings to Dean. Sam and Bobby see it and teases it about her and they try to play matchmaker to get them together.

Word count: 1,684

Warnings: swearing, heated kissing.


Your uncle, Bobby Singer, was sitting at his usual desk searching for something in one of the lore books. Dean, who you had been staring at for the last few minutes, was looking through his father’s old journal, his brow creased with the small frown on it. The small, damn cute frown. Sam was talking to you, but every word that you heard was lost as you continued to look at his brother.

Damn Dean Winchester. Damn his beautiful eyes; his toned, tanned amazing body; his perfect bad-boy-looking hair, and damn his extremely attractive, deep voice.


You were brought back to reality by Sam, who was waving his hand in front of your face. You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts of Dean’s lips, that were probably soft and—

Stop it, you reminded yourself, fighting to concentrate on the tall man in front of you.

"Uh, yeah, I agree with you," you said hastily, having no idea what he was talking about.

"You think that Superman is better than Batman?" Sam asked with a bit of surprise. That got Bobby’s, and unfortunately Dean’s, attention. Your cheeks became red as you glanced at the older Winchester, who was now looking in your direction with his eyebrows raised.

"What? No, Batman is definitely better," you said quickly, turning back to Sam, now remembering what your conversation with him was about. "I have no idea what’s wrong with you, Sammy. How can you think that Superman is better than him?"

"Now that’s my girl," Dean grinned, making your blush deepen. You smiled at him, feeling butterflies in your stomach.

At the same time, Sam and Bobby looked at each other from across the room, each with a small smirk on their faces. Ever since you had walked into the Winchester’s lives, it wasn’t hard to tell that you had a…small thing for Dean, and even though you never noticed it, he also felt the same way about you. But Bobby and Sam were finally growing tired of the blindness that seemed to plague you both, and so they had been trying to get you together for about week, although they still hadn’t had any signs of success.

"Superman has powers, Batman only has money," Sam said, though his mind was not really into the conversation anymore. "Think whatever you want guys, but Superman is definitely better."

You let out a dramatic sigh, putting your hand on your forehead as you sank back on the couch and pretended to faint. You heard Dean and Bobby snickering, and it took all your willpower to not actually faint about the fact that Dean Winchester was laughing at your joke.

"Anyways…" Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes and putting in action a new plan to get you and Dean alone. "Bobby, did you say you wanted to go the store? ‘Cause I need to get a few things for dinner."

Bobby shot Sam a suspicious look, having never said anything about going up, but his confusion was cleared when Sam glanced at you and then at Dean. The older man raised his eyebrows, but played along with Sam.

"Sure, kid," getting the message, he wheeled around the table just as Dean threw the keys of the Impala to Sam.

"Oh, can I come? I wanted to drop my car off at the mechanic’s," you lied quickly, trying to avoid being left with Dean. Of course, not that you wouldn’t mind spending some time alone with the oldest Winchester, but you tended to get flustered and run away to lock yourself up in your room when that happened.

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