High School Musical? (Adam Milligan fluff)

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Request: Hi!! Welp, you asked for requests, here I am hehe(you’re writing really is fantastic by the way). I was wondering if you could write me an AdamxReader one shot that is just painfully fluffy. Maybe he walks in on the reader dancing like an idiot and they start laughing together and joins her. Then they get tired out and just have a cute day in the bunker together? Really whatever you want, I’ll enjoy anything you write!

Word count: 747

Warnings: none.


“No, no, no! Stick to the stuff you know!”  You kept singing loudly, holding your hair brush as if it were a microphone. Apparently the boys had gone for supply run, leaving you with the Bunker all for yourself. So what else to do than to blast High School Musical through the entire place?

 You started dancing around the library, feeling like a major dork, but happy never the less.  Just as you stood on chair to sing Sharpay’s part, a laugh startled you, making you almost fall. You looked behind you, finding Adam doubling over and shaking with silent laughter. You rolled your eyes and carefully getting off the chair.

“I thought nobody was here,” you laughed. You had to admit it; if you had found somebody else in your position you would’ve had the same reaction as Adam.

“I had a headache so I decided to sleep some more,” he said once he was calmed enough, though he was still giggling slightly.

“Did a wake you up?” You asked with a frown. You knew how hard sleeping sometimes was for Adam, and “headache” usually meant that he didn’t get enough sleep because of a nightmare.

“Nah, I’ve been awake through most of the songs,” he replies, laughing once more. “I mean, High School Musical, really?”

“Shut up, you know you just came here to sing with me,” you said cheekily, and he shakes his head, but started to sing with you as “Bop to the Top” started. His voice would go one note higher or lower every now and then, but you were having too much fun to care. As the finale came, you jumped into his arms, and he spun you around, laughing his head off.

Adam put you back down, only for you to fall on top of him as you struggled to control your dizziness. You giggled as you helped him stand up, feeling even more happy when he didn’t let go of your hand.

“Never again,” he said, shaking his head, but he was grinning.

“C’mon, just a couple more songs,” you begged, giving Adam your best puppy eyes. He shook his head again, but smiled at you and continued to sing until both of your throats hurt. You turned off the stereo and accepted the glass of water that Adam offered you.

Taking small sips, you locked eyes with Adam. His face was shinny with sweat, and probably yours too, and he was breathing rather fast.

“You know what you need?” You asked, a rather fun idea forming in your mind.

“A shower?” Adam guessed with a shrug.

“More or less,” you said before throwing the rest of your water at him. You sprinted before he had time to react, but he was faster than you, and it took less than a minute for Adam to catch up with you. He threw you over his shoulder as you playfully made attempts to escape. Adam carried you all the way to the kitchen, and in a few seconds you realized what he was about to do.

“Adam, don’t you dare!” You yelled before he put you down, grabbing the spray head off the kitchen sink and pointing it at you. You could risk running and possibly getting away with only a few parts of your clothes wet, or stand there and wait for him to do something.

“(Y/N), just know that I love you,” he said with a smirk, catching you off guard. And then you felt the cold water hitting you, and despite wanting to kill Adam, you laughed. He stopped once you were soaking wet, and you sighed dramatically.

“Oh, Adam, whatever shall I do now?” You smiled evilly, before hugging him tightly.

“Do you know how irritating you can be sometimes?” He asked with a grin.

“You know you love me, you said it yourself,” you joked, but Adam’s expression became serious.

“I do,” he confirmed, his voice significantly lower. “I love you, (Y/N), I was being completely honest.”

You grabbed the neck of his shirt, pushing him down to meet your lips. It was a bit short, but still sweet.

“You had no idea how long I’ve waited for you to say that,” you confessed with a small blush. Adam chuckled and kissed you deeply before you shivered.

“How ‘bout we go get changed and then watch a couple of movies,” Adam suggested, and you nodded gleefully. This evening turned out to be better than you hoped.

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