Lucky (Kevin Tran fluff)

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Request: Can I request a Kevin one shot where he’s never watched a Studio Ghibli movie and the reader adores them and makes him marathon it and he gets hooked and she says her favourite part is how delicately they interpret love and that’s why she doesn’t date anymore because her luck was always with inconsiderate jerks but she likes Kevin and doesn’t say anything only that he’ll make someone lucky when he dates again

Word count: 830

Warnings: none


You sighed, closing the book you were reading with a loud thump. Dean and Sam Winchesters were two of the few friends in your life, and after they had asked for your help on some translation thing, you had gladly accepted. But now, a few weeks after going to sleep at 3 A.M. almost every night and reading more books than ever, you were ready to give up on this.

The only plus side to this was Kevin Tran.

Kevin was a “Prophet of the Lord,” and the person you saw most around the Bunker. You practically spend the whole day with him; sometimes just sitting in front of him or researching quietly or maybe next to him while forcing him to take breaks. Either way, you had become very close to Kevin, and there was no denying that you felt something else than just simple friendship towards him, but that was a secret you intended to keep to yourself.

You shook your head, clearing away your thoughts of Kevin. The sudden motion distracted said Prophet, and he looked away from the angel tablet and up to you.

“You okay?” He asked, a bit of concern in his voice.

“Yeah, just a bit tired,” you smiled and rubbed your eyes. “Hey, how ‘bout we take a break? It’s about time we should.”

The last time you had looked away from your book was when you and Kevin had taken a small lunch break a few hours ago. You were getting quite hungry again, and honestly you could think of a thousand things to do instead of reading endless pages about long-dead languages.

“We could watch something like Whisper of the Heart, or Castle in the Sky,” you suggested, standing up and stretching your arms.

“I’ve never heard of those,” Kevin frowned, standing up as well. Your mouth dropped and Kevin laughed at your dramatically-horrified expression. “What?”

“But they’re awesome! Come on Kev, you’ve got to be kidding me,” you insisted, but Kevin shook his head. “Well, I know what we’re gonna do today.”

You made a bowl of popcorn along with two sandwiches as Kevin set up his laptop to the TV in your room. You settled on your bed When everything was finally set up, Kevin joining you a few seconds later. He gasped and laughed at the right places, and you could see that he was still excited about the movie even after it ended.

“Did you like it?” You asked jokingly, placing the dirty dishes on your nightstand.

“Liked it? (Y/N), it was amazing,” he grinned.

“Do you want to watch another one?” you smiled back, and Kevin nodded enthusiastically. What was supposed to be a short break turned into a long movie marathon, and a few hours later you were starting to fall asleep. Kevin noticed this and carefully wrapped an arm around you so that you could comfortably rest your head on his shoulder.

“You know what I love most about this?” You whispered in an effort to keep awake. Kevin gave you a small “hmm?” and you yawned. “They don’t just throw love in like it’s a meaningless thing. They actually show how beautiful and extraordinary it can be, and how sometimes you need time to build it up.”

“Getting cheesy, are we?” Kevin laughed, and you scoffed playfully.

“Hey, I can be cheesy if I want to,” you said. “Anyhow, that’s why I prefer these movies instead of the actual thing. They can have happy endings instead of sad ones.”

“What do you mean?” Kevin asked, turning his head in your direction and away from the TV.

“I haven’t exactly had nice dating experiences,” you shrugged, yawning again. “One time I dated this guy who was late on almost every date. And another even cheated on me for about two months before telling me that ‘I just wasn’t good enough.’”

“But you’re amazing, (Y/N),” Kevin insisted, and you shot him a small smile. “I just can’t believe anyone would do that, especially to someone like you.”

“Thanks, Kev,” you whispered. “You know, you’ll make someone very lucky one day.”

“So will you,” Kevin said, but you only smiled, not believing his words. “No, (Y/N), I’m serious. You are so smart, fearless, kind, beautiful, and about a million other things.”

You blushed and looked away, but Kevin gently put his hands on the sides of your face.

“(Y/F/N), never listen to anyone who says you’re not good enough, because you are,” he said, and with a sudden burst of bravery, you leaned forward, crashing your lips with his. Kevin was surprised for a second, but then kissed you back, and you could feel a smile forming on his lips. You pulled away after about a minute, giggling at Kevin’s blush.

“Maybe I could give dating a second chance,” you said with a smile.

“I’ll make sure to find you the right guy,” Kevin replied, wrapping you in a hug as you kissed him again.

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