Trust Part II

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Word count: 468

Warnings: implied sex.


After Dean apologized, you took your things out of the car and placed them on the trunk of the Impala, hoping that you had made the right decision. Which, quite honestly, was proven to be true.

Dean gave you all the time you needed to recover from what had happened. The first few weeks your only contact was holding hands and sharing hugs, and it wasn’t until a month later that you pulled his neck down and crushed your lips against his. From that day on, you had moved your stuff into his room at the bunker again, though you hadn’t actually slept together. Well, at least until yesterday night.

You woke up on your side, feeling of two strong, yet comfortable, arms wrapped around your middle. You sighed happily and burrowed your head in Dean’s chest, and you felt his grip tighten on you.

"Morning, Princess," you heard him say, his voice gruff at this time in the morning. You looked up at him, his beautiful green eyes meeting your (E/C) ones. Dean gave you an adorable, sleepy smile which you returned. "Sleep well?"

"Hmm, you don’t say," you mumbled, closing your eyes as he left a trail of kisses all over you face, meeting your lips at last. You smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around Dean. You pouted when he pulled away, but quickly forgot about it as he stared kissing your neck. You placed a hand underneath his chin and quickly returned his lips to yours, shivering with pleasure as he moved his hands from your waist to your bare back. You kept kissing him for a few more minutes before finally separating.

"Did you know you’re beautiful?" Dean whispered with a grin, fully awake now.

"Maybe," you smiled, giving him a quick kiss before hopping out of bed. You threw on a clean pair of underwear and a bra, topping it off with one of Dean’s plaids that reached halfway to your knees. 
You looked back to Dean, who was still laying on the bed and watching you with fondness. You smiled and sat next to him running a hand through his messy hair.


"I just really love you," he said, looking at you with complete seriousness. Your body froze completely, your eyes focused on his. This wasn’t the first time he had said that; hell, he said it every day. But for some reason, this time it felt different. This time, you realised, was the first time you truly believed it.

"I love you too," you said softly, reaching down and placing your lips on his. As you pulled away, Dean gave you the happiest smile you had seen in a long time.

"Good," he said, making you giggled as he pulled you down for another, more passionate kiss.

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