Twenty One- Blood

Start from the beginning

Judy: (get scared) Eugene? Lance? Rapunzel?

Voice: My sweet, sweet, precious Judy..

(She dash off and enter Rapunzel's room and slam it close. She turn to see Rapunzel is not in her room. Judy shiver in fear.)

Judy: (tears) Oh good lord, what is happening? And where is everyone?

(With Rapunzel and Cassandra, they went to Xavier's blacksmith shop where they ask him if he knew about vampires. It's already night as the moon shine bright.)

Xavier: So, you want to know about vampires?

Rapunzel: Yes. We believe that a vampire is taking young men away during night time.

Xavier: I see. Vampires are dangerous creatures of the night. But the most dangerous of all the vampire is Dracula.

Cassandra: Dracula? W-Who's Dracula?

(Xavier went to his bookshelves, pull out a book, open to a page of a male vampire who is named Dracula.)

Xavier: Dracula, son of Vladimir. He is the most powerful, deadliest and said to be the most charming vampire of all ages. He lives throughout ages.

Cassandra: Do you think maybe he's the reason he's taking young men?

Xavier: I don't know. But he only feed when he is in need. Can you tell more of the disappearance of these young men?

Cassandra: Well, it started when Varian disappear. His dad couldn't find him, Judy is worry sick about him. She didn't eat or even sleep since then. A couple few days, these boys been talking to Judy and hanging out with her. Then the next day, they're gone.

Xavier: Hmm, it seems that whoever it is, doesn't want these boy around her.

Rapunzel: Hmm.. Varian's disappearance, Judy's being with these boys and next they're gone.

(She think for a moment, before her eyes widen in realization. She pieces the puzzle together, and feel a dread of fear in her. She turn to Cassandra.)

Rapunzel: We need to get to the castle, now!

(With Judy, she look around with her lantern. The whispers have flooded the room. It is becoming too much for her.)

Judy: Stop it!

(Then, it stop. All is quiet. Too quiet. Suddenly, the lantern light is blowed off, making the room all dark. The balcony door open and moonlight enter. She heard a sound of a lock door, turn and try to turn the doorknob, but it's lock tight. She try to turn it, but refuse to open.)

Voice: Hello, m'lady.

(She hear a voice behind her, turn to face a firgure by the balcony. He step in and walk to her. She let out a gasp when the moonlight shine on him, she recognize this person.)

Judy: V-V-V-V-...Varian?

(Before her is Varian, but his tan pale skin and freckle are paler, his eyes that were cloudy blue is crimson red and sharp fangs on his teeth. He stare at her with a sensual glare and a smirk that send shiver on her spine. Rudiger and Odette jump off Judy's arms and hide in fear. Judy back away from him as he walk to her, till her back is against the wall.)

Judy: W-W-What happen to you? Y-Yo-You're a-

Varian: A vampire? (Chuckle darkly) Thank you, I am. I never felt this much power, much power to take down those pigs that were near you.

Judy: That...That was you? But Varian, why would you do this? You hated blood, you fainted by the sight of it! And more importantly, why didn't you come to me for help?! I was worry sick about you! Your dad is working endless finding you!

Varian: I would have if the sunlight doesn't burn my skin. I wanted to come back for you, I always have, but the more I saw you with those men that have their hands on you, the more I get so mad! But now they're gone and out of my way, I finally have you right where I want you.

(Judy eyes's widen in fear, knowing what vampires do. He's gonna turn her into a vampire like him! As he walk closer to her, she try hard to reason with him.)

Judy: V-Var-Varian, alchemy buddy, let's not get too bloodlust here. I-I don't want to remain in the dark when I feel safe in the light. I-I hate the taste of blood! And what if my blood taste bad!? So bad it's not worth it!?

Varian: I don't know about that, you smell so sweet. Just like you.

Judy: (blushing) V-Varian! Please! I'm-I'm begging you!

(Judy press against the wall and turn away from him with and blushing face. Varian walk close to her, she can hear him sniffing at her neck. She close her eyes shut and whimper in fear. She's doomed for this. But she didn't feel the pain of fangs on her neck, only the soft gentle kiss on her neck. She open her eyes and see Varian kissing her neck so gently.)

Judy: (blushing) W-Wha? You're not-

Varian: (kiss her neck) My sweet, sweet Judy.. I miss you so much.

Judy: (blushing) I...uh...ah..

Varian: (smirk) What's the matter? Bat got your tounge?

(She can swear that her brain is shutting down, this is too much for her. He grab her face and turn her head towards him, she look into his blood red eyes and can feel her heart beating so fast she think he's gonna smell her blood like this. Then, he kiss her on the lips. Her eyes widen by this. Her knees feel weak as he shove his tounge inside her mouth and tangle itself with hers. And, she fainted, but he catch her before she can hit the ground. Rapunzel and Cassandra run as fast as they can in the hallway. They enter Judy's room, but found she's gone. They check on each door to find her, but found emtpy. The last they go to is Rapunzel's room. She turn to find it's locked. Cassandra motion her back, and kick the door open. They enter and see Varian holding the fainted Judy in his arms.)

Rapunzel: Let her go Varian!

Cassandra: Do it, or I will hate myself for killing you!

Varian: Ah, ladies. I would love to stay and chat, but I have a bride to claim.

(A swam of bats came and surrounded the teens, then they're gone. Rapunzel have every guard to find Varian or Judy, so far, they couldn't find them, she grow very worry for Judy's sake. In a far away forest, lives a single tower. Inside, Judy lays on a bed. She groan as she's starting to wake up. Varian enter the room with a evil smirk.)

Varian: Welcome to your new home, m'lady.

(Judy get up, she rub her neck where two bite marks are. She open her eyes, and they are blood red like his.)

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