Chapter 115

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Tim stared out the window 'This is my's all my fault. I should have gone after her' he thought to himself as Bobby drove.

"Tim, the main thing is we found her" Bobby tried to reassure him.

Tim kept looking out the window, unable to totally comprehend everything Bobby had been telling him since he'd opened the front door.

As they pulled into the emergency entrance at the Houston medical center, Tim practically jumped out of the car before Bobby had parked. He ran and grabbed Tim by the arm. "Hold up, calm yourself before you rush in there" Bobby told him.

"I can't, I have to see her for myself" he told him, pulling his arm away.

"Tim, I'm telling you, you have to calm down or they are not going to let you through those doors " Bobby retorted.

Tim looked at him, pleading with his eyes to just let him go in. Tim took a deep breath, he knew he was right, he couldn't take a chance of being thrown out.

Emily had seen Bobby's patrol car in Tim's driveway and how quickly they both left. She tried several times to call their cell phones, getting voice mail only. "Something's wrong, terribly wrong" she said aloud as Dena walked into the kitchen.

Looking at the fear in Emily's eyes and over hearing her last statement, she sat down across from her at the table "what is it, what's wrong" she asked. Emily could only say what had happened so far.

Tim walked with Bobby into the ER. Scanning around, trying to find her. Bobby advised the clerk at the desk who they were looking for, she pointed down the hall. As they approached the door, Tim stood visibly shaking. Bobby noticed and placed his hand on Tim's back " just breathe, buddy, breathe" he told him as the doctor came out of the door.

The doctor looked at Tim, "Mr. Foust?"
Tim nodded, still shaking. After what seemed an eternity he finally formed the words " she alive" he asked, his voice breaking.

"Yes, we have her sedated. She rolled the car over the embankment. From what this officer here tells me, she was extremely fortunate. The car stopped just short of a 400 foot drop. She has a fractured wrist, cuts, bruises and a large contusion on her forehead. Dr. Kim will be evaluating her once we move her upstairs to intensive care. I'm sending her there for observation" he explained.

"Can I see her" he asked.

"Of course" he replied, opening the door for Tim.

Bobby took his phone off his belt. Turning it back on he found 10 calls and 5 texts all from Emily. He stepped outside to call her back.

"Hello" Emily replied on the other end. Bobby could tell by the sound of her voice how worried she was.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry, my phone has been off" he told her.

"Bobby, what's going on. I saw you leave with Tim. I'm scared, please tell me" she asked, crying.

Bobby knew Tim would not have a problem with him informing his family, especially as he was in no condition to do it himself. He explained what he could to Emily.

"Oh my God. Tell him we'll be there as soon as we can" she replied as Dena looked at her concerned.

"Emily, please..take your time, drive safely. I don't want anything to happen to you" he told her.

Emily smiled a little at his comment, the concern he expressed towards her. "I will, I promise" she replied before hanging up.

Emily then brought Dena up to date on what had happened. Within minutes they were heading out the door.

Tim stood at the side of her bed, biting his lower lip, fighting back the tears. The love of his life lay there, her left wrist in a cast, cuts and bruises along each arm, a large lump above her left eye.

He placed the chair to the side of the bed and sat down. Gently he touched the side of her face with the back of his hand, whispering that it was him touching her. She moaned a bit but didn't say anything. "Darlin, just rest, don't try to talk. I just wanted you to know I'm here" he told her.

Soon two nurses entered the room. One checked her vitals while the other informed Tim she was being moved to intensive care. Once she was prepped, they took her upstairs. They told Tim he would have to wait till she was settled into the room before he could be with her. Bobby returned just as they wheeled her to the patient elevator.

"Tim, I hope you don't mind, I let Emily know you were here. She'd called about 10 times, my phone was off, she saw us leave earlier.  Her and your mom are on the way" he told him.

"Thank you" he replied pushing the elevator button. "Bobby, were you the one who found her".

"Yes. I was patrolling Rockton Ridge area around 4:30 this morning. I noticed dim lights from near there. When I arrived I looked down the hill, the car was on it's side. It looked familiar but I never imagined it could be her till I found her laying against the door " he told him as they both entered the elevator.

Tim pushed the button for the floor the intensive care unit was on. "She was semi conscious when I crawled in to check her. I stayed with her till the ambulance arrived" Bobby stated as he brought up a photo on his phone.  It was a picture of her car on it's side, barely secured by a tree it was leaning against. It was obvious had it not been for that tree, she would have plummeted down the 400 ft rock ledges below.

"Tim, I have to ask. What was she doing out there in the middle of the night" Bobby stated.

Tim ran his hand through his hair before stepping out of the elevator. He pulled Bobby aside and explained what had happened. "It's my fault, I should have gone after her.  I should have stopped her".

"Tim, do you think she did this on purpose" Bobby asked.

"No, absolutely not" he replied.

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