Chapter 49

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After brunch at their favorite local cafe, Caroline asked Tim if he would mind stopping at the campus, she had a few things she wanted to pick up to use during the summer break.

While walking down the hallway her professor stopped them "Well there you are Caroline, where have you been hiding all this time. I understand you took several weeks off, may I ask as to why" he said trying to guide her away from Tim. She immediately grabbed Tim's hand so they couldn't be separated, hanging on tight. There was just something about this professor she really didnt care for. Neither of them had given an explanation for her absence. It was a private matter they didn't want discussed among the college gossip and especially did not want it filtering back to her parents.

"Oh just concentrating on the internship, preparing the portfolio, just trying to meet the requirements in time" she answered hoping he wouldn't question her further.

"I see, well I wanted to let you know the collector from New York has been asking about you and has practically begged me to get you to come to New York with more of your work. You really should, he did purchase all your paintings from your showing here, if you remember" he stated.

"And I am grateful that he did, but New York just isn't for me" she said as she looked at Tim with a smile.

Her look towards Tim hadn't gone unnoticed by the professor " and how are your studies and music career progressing Mr. Foust" he asked rather smugly.

"Just fine sir" he replied defiantly.

"I see. Caroline I suggest you rethink your initial refusal for New York.  Its not often such an opportunity comes along and to be requested yet again after refusing, well that's just unheard of" he told her, determined to get her thinking about what she was missing.

"I understand professor, but as I've already stated, it's just not for me. Now if you would excuse us, there are a few things I need to gather to finish the portfolio" she replied as she squeezed Tim's hand, signaling she wanted to leave. As they turned to walk away the professor handed her the business card of the collector, she took it unwillingly while they walked away. Once in the art room she collected her personal supplies and gave it a one last look, which caused Tim to raise a brow at her actions "are you alright" he asked. "Yup" she replied sternly as she tore the business card and tossed it in the waste basket.


"Well, I tried but neither of them gave anymore of an explanation why she's been away from school. And she continues to refuse the New York offer, but I did plant the seed of thought and gave her the business card. If we could just get her away from Foust, your prayers would be answered" he told the person on the phone.

"Damn it, I know they are hiding something. You just be sure that fella in New York keeps an interest in her" the person on the other end advised before hanging up.


Tim had a strange feeling come over him as they walked back to the truck. He started to look around campus, he couldn't shake this feeling as if they were being watched. He placed Carolines supplies in the back then helped her step up into the truck. She noticed his nervousness "Tim, are you alright" she asked with a furrowed brow as he got into the drivers seat. " Uh..yeah..I'm fine darlin. Anything else you want to do?" he asked turning the ignition. "Let's go home" she answered sliding her hand to his.

Caroline had been venting about the professor and his demanding, smug behavior the entire ride home, but Tim only half heard what she had said, nodding occasionally in response. He kept checking the mirrors to see if they were being followed, he even took a different route home. He just couldn't shake that feeling until they finally pulled into their driveway. Once home the feeling was gone as quickly as it began.

Caroline put her supplies in the back room while Tim grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Little early for that don't ya think" she remarked walking into the kitchen for a glass of ice water to take her pain medication. He could tell she was in pain by the way she stood in front of the sink. He waited till she swallowed her pills then took her by the hand to the sofa. He sat down first placing his right leg bent against the back, gently pulling her down to lay between his legs and against his chest "let's get you comfortable so you can rest" he told her as she positioned herself against him.

"You always know, don't you" she said softly.

"I try. Just close your eyes and relax, you need to rest" he whispered as he began to gently massage her temples.

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