Chapter 25 ~Hope

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A/N: First and foremost, I'm terribly sorry that this update took forever. Work has been taking a lot of my time! DX. Again, I'm sooo sorry. To make up for it, I'll update Monday AND Tuesday :) Anyways, enjoy.


Niall's POV

Where could she be! We've been looking everywhere for any sign of her. It's been hours and still there was no sign at all.

We've searched the whole building, after the bodies were taken away, I still have no idea how they ended up dead, we've search every possible store on the block, and we even gone to extremes and checked the sewers. Of course by "we" I mean the police. I would never go down a sewer, unless Dania was actually down there.

"Again, Niall I'm so sorry" Zayn speaks up, causing me to glance up at him. He's been apologizing for the past hour.

"Zayn, I already told you that it wasn't your fault" I say, calmly. As much as I didn't want to tell him, it actually was his fault. If he wouldn't have been on the phone for so long, she wouldn't have been lost or whatever state she's in. I really hope she's okay.

But then again, I can't help but think it's my fault too. If I wasn't messing around with Louis during the photo shoot, we could've been done way faster and I could've been with her at the café with Zayn. Then, I would've known she was in safe hands.

Why didn't she tell me when she left?

"Niall" Zayn snaps his fingers in front of me. I really have to stop over thinking these things.

"What?" I look up at him again. I was looking down at the floor, staring at my shoes. I must've looked dumb when Zayn saw me like that. I can't help it though. I'm so worried those guys got her again and I wasn't able to save her this time.

"I said that Harry and Louis haven't found her yet. There's still no word from Liam, and I also asked if you wanted a ride back" He chews on his lip, quickly glancing down at my balled up fist. I didn't even realize I was balling them up.

"Liam's probably asleep. I doubt he even knows what happened to her" I say, sadly. Nobody knows where Liam was at either. I hope he isn't in the same situation as Dania, though, I doubt he is. Even so, I couldn't bear to lose another special person.

"And no. I don't need a ride. I'll just walk back to the building and get my car" I glumly say, letting out a big sigh. I really hope she comes up soon.

"Okay" Zayn gives me a small smile and walks out the second building that's used in case of emergencies, like this one. It wasn't too far from the original, which is good because I didn't want to walk a mile to get to my car.

I look around the main floor, once again, to make sure if they found any sign of her. To my disappointment, they haven't. I spin on my heel from the man that just gave me the information, and walk out the door. I turn right and continue down the sidewalk till I reached my car.

The night sky, was full of dully lit stars. I guess you could say they were in the exact same mood I was in.

I finally make it to my car and open the door, after I fished through all my pockets for the key. I had to park in the other parking lot of the building because apparently, the original parking lot had to be empty. I slide in, and close the door next to me.

Before I start the ignition, my eyes instantly travel to the black purse that was placed where Dania left it. There was a faint light glowing from within it.

I carefully reach over and grab it, opening it to see that there was a text from and unknown number.

From the Devil

Stay Strong (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon