Chapter 20 ~Deadline

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4 days later

It's been four days, and I've practically been around Niall the whole time! All has truly been going amazing! Except, the fans have been popping out at every public place we've gone to. But other than that, my time with him has been all that I've ever wished for.

He's taken me to the park, on the London Eye, and the zoo. Yesterday, we decided to just stay at his house and watch a couple of movies, again. We've mostly been hanging out with just each other. He hasn't really brought any of the other boys to hang out with us. I found that kind of odd. Kind of.

Right now, I was finally at my apartment watching "Pretty Little Liars" alone, while laying on my comfortable bed. Niall texted me a few minutes ago to know if he wanted to go out to eat at a fancy restaurant. I didn't mind, as long as I got to pay half the bill. I already explained to him the issue I have with others when they wasted their money on me. He texted back saying to be ready by eight.

I glance at the clock, narrowing my eyes at the small digital numbers. 6:56. Right now is a good time as any to get ready. I jump off my bed, and head to my closet. I pick out a light pink dress, that's a bit tight around my chest, a bit loose down above mid-thigh, and pull out some silver heels. I grab some toms just in case anything happens and my heels make my feet hurt. I grab a strapless bra, my undies, and head to the shower.

After the shower, I keep a towel wrapped around my head to dry quick. I plan to curl my hair. I lotion my body and quickly brush my teeth. Shortly after, I apply my mascara and end up curling my hair when my hair was dried and combed.

I walk back into the living room and grab my phone that's in the center of my bed. The phone immediately rings. The caller ID's private, but I end up answering it anyway.

"Hello?" I nervously say, lowering the volume on the TV.

"Why have you been ignoring my texts!!!" Shouts the she demon. Great, not her again.

"What do you want, Lisa" I tell her in a monotonic tone. Gosh she was so annoying.

"You know what I want! And don't talk to me in that tone of voice missy!" She scolds. I roll my eyes.

"I don't know what you want?" I reply, truthfully.

"I want that kiss! You moron! Have you forgotten that today's the deadline?" She rudely reminds me. I instantly freeze. That's today!?!?!?

"Oh, uh, I forgot" I gulp.

"Well, I hope you didn't forget what I'll do if you don't do it!" She threatens. I could already see her nostrils flaring through the phone. The image was intimidating.

"I'll try to do it" I nervously tell her.

"Will" she corrects. I nervously gulp, again. "Well, I'll know if you will or not. Ta-Ta for now, Denise" she hangs up the phone, leaving me to hold mine. I place it down, trying to relax. I can't believe today was the deadline for that!! I've been spending so much time with Niall that it completely slipped my mind.

I frustratingly sigh, and sit on my bed to put on my heels. I grab my big white purse to toss my toms in, and walk over to the kitchenette to grab a glass of water.

How am I going to pull it off? I can't just wing it? What if Niall never talks to me after I kiss him? What will this "thing", that we had these past 4 days, go?

I heave out another sigh again, rubbing my forehead to relax myself from all these unanswered questions. I didn't notice that I drank all the water. I hear a ringtone going off, so I walk over to retrieve my phone. It was Niall.

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