Chapter 1 ~The Beginning

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"YASS!! I can't wait to go to their concert in London! All that time we spent saving up money's really going to pay off!!"

I could tell she was super excited! Who can blame her? It's One Direction performing in front of our eyes!?! How can one not be excited to see them!? The money we spent 3 years saving up is going to pay off! I'll be able to see Niall! The blonde hottie that I've adored ever since I first laid eyes on him! I just know we're going to fall in love and get married someday.

"When's the plane leaving tomorrow?" I ask excitedly.

"It's going to leave at about three tomorrow. That'll give us time to pack our stuff, and when we arrive, go see where they'll perform, also go sight seeing around London for some British hotties" She chuckles.

"Oh my gosh Val is sleeping with men all you think about!? And if we're going to be sightseeing for men I might as well go find my Irish cutie" I say, breathing out a laugh.

"Whatever it's all about Harry anyways! The things I'll do when I get my hands on him"

"Eww Val! Please don't tell me! The last time you told me about your sex fantasies with him I wasn't able to eat ranch dressing on my salads for months!" The memory about the conversation makes me want to vomit.

She bursts into laughter.

"It wasn't even that gross! You just over exaggerate Danz!"

I still remember when my best friend Ruben gave me that name. After that we nicknamed each other. Valerie; Val, Me (Dania) Danz, and Ruben; Rubbs. I miss him so much. He left to a college in Arizona, almost immediately, when he got accepted. The original plan was to wait year, like me and Val, but I guess not.

"I do not!!" I fight back.

"Yes you do! Anyways I have to go get ready and pack my stuff for tomorrow. You should too before you waste all your time making out with your Niall poster again" she chuckles.

"That was one time!" Who could blame me? It's Niall! Who wouldn't want to be making out with him!

"Mhm one time" She says, sarcastically.

"Whatever Val! I'm going to go pack my stuff now. Goodnight"


I press the end call on my phone and place in on the nightstand near my bed. She just loves to bring up embarrassing moments of my life. But that's why I love her. I wouldn't know what to do without my best friend.

I quickly jump onto my bed and sit in it comfortably, thinking about the many possibilities the concert could go.

I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I'm meeting THE NIALL HORAN! I really hope I don't embarrass myself or say something stupid if I do get to meet him face to face.

OMG what if I sneeze on him?! What if I step on him? What if-gosh stop overthinking things Dania! I really do need to stop.

I reach for the remote next to me and flip through the channels on my TV. As usual nothing good was on.

Now's a good time to pack my things I think to myself. I stand up from my bed and grab my phone to turn on some music. "Another World" begins to play and I blast up the volume, while humming along to it as I folded clothes.

After about an hour of packing all my necessities, I check the time.


I quickly gather some clothes and head for the shower. I quickly undress and turn the warm water.

When it's nice and warm I step in letting the water soothe my body. I reach for the shampoo and begin to scrub my hair. Am I honestly meeting Niall? Why can't I get over the fact that I am? It feels so unreal! What if I do get to kiss him? OMG that'll make my life! I squeal to myself and jump excitedly. I wouldn't know what to- Ow Ow the shampoo's in my eye.

I reach to the wall of the bathtub but fail when I bump into it, causing all my shower products to fall. I frantically step toward the running water but end up slipping on a slippery substance.

I flail my arms to grab something but fall out the tub, causing the curtain to rip off it's shower rings. I groan in pain as I land on my back on the cold tile floor.

Okay maybe I shouldn't think about these things in the shower. I'll definitely feel this in the morning.

I take a few moments to recover and slowly stand up when I'm done. I attempt to put the curtain back the best I can.

At least the bar holding it up didn't break.

I carefully finish showering and soon step out, immediately wrapping my towel around me. I quickly dry and lotion my body, putting my pj's and tank top on shortly after.

After I brush my teeth and dry my hair with another towel, I lay comfortably in bed. Thoughts about the One Direction concert fill my mind.

Tomorrow's the first step in meeting them!!! I literally can't wait!!

I snuggle deeper in my one direction blanket and slowly drift to sleep.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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