Chapter 11 ~The Concert

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After getting a new phone, and easier access to internet, now that I changed my plan, me and Val are finally on our way to the concert. The whole phone situation took about a good hour and a half. That gave us enough time to arrive at the concert with a few minutes to spare.

"Where's the entrance?" I ask Val, looking from side to side.

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Harry told me we're getting V.I.P seats and backstage passes. All I had to do was to ask the security guard in the back of this place my name and we should be good to go"

"So what do we do with these tickets?"

"I don't know but let's hold on to them for memories" she shrugs.

As we walk near a big crowd, I notice Val tug me closer to her. I eye her suspiciously.

"I don't want you to be retrieved by another guy again" she answers, as if reading my mind.

We push through the crowd of obnoxious screaming girls and walk around the back. How could the boys stand this? Especially every day of their lives! It must be tough to handle.

"Sorry ladies I can't let you in through here" says a very muscular bodyguard. He was probably 3 times our size. He reminded me of a giant protecting a castle or something. It was really intimidating!

"Harry told me to go through here" Val says.

He huffs out a laugh. "Yeah you and every other girl here. I'm sorry ladies I'm going to have to escort you out of here"

"No! Harry really did tell me to go here!" Val stares down the officer, holding her ground.

"Ma'am don't make this harder than it should be. If you could ple-" he was interrupted by voices coming out of his walkie-talkie.

"Stan we need back up. A few fans went into the building without tickets. They're location is near the south gate"

"Roger. Be there in a bit" He puts the talkie back to where he had it and turns to us.

"You both heard that. Now leave" he harshly demands.

"No!" Val snaps back. "Harry specifically told us to come here! I refuse to leave"

"Can't you like call him or something?" I finally speak up. I was tired of the wait. I wanted to see One Direction already, but this officer was getting in the way of all that.

He slowly nods as he reaches for a phone on his back pocket. He says something in it as if it was code, and stares back at us.

"Mmmm sorry about that. It's really hard to believe two women came because Harry wanted them to. Ya know?"

We awkwardly shake are heads. Anything to speed up this wait. Niall is waiting for me! I need to see him.

"Just wait here. A man named Paul will be here shortly to escort you galls" he says, leading us through the door.

Paul! The Paul! The one that protects our angels! I'm going to meet him!

I turn to Val and see she has the exact same expression that mirrors mine.

We wait a while and see Paul coming towards us. I internally scream! Val on the other hand couldn't contain herself and is shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Hey hey calm down there. If you keep on shouting people'll think I'm raping you or something" he says, slightly chuckling. Val stops, tears threatening to fall, and nods obediently.

I nervously gulp. Out of all the sentences he could've said, it had to be this one.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm-""Paul" Val finishes. He looks at her a little surprised. "I should've known a couple of fans would notice me" he says, smiling. "What're your names?"

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