Chapter 9 ~Annoyed

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A/N: Sorry I took forever to update! I went on a road trip and I had to help with my cousins graduation party. I'm barely squeezing time in. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter!


Dania's POV

"Dania why won't you finish your story for me?" Niall questions for the thousandth time. I was kind've getting annoyed. Kind've.

I roll my eyes and remain seated in the bed till the doctor came.

"Was it because I was talking to that nurse?" He asks.

I purse my lips at his question. Of course that's why I won't finish my story! He should've shunned her away until I finished!

The door swung open and in came the doctor.

Thank goodness. I don't think I would've been able to keep myself from ignoring Niall much longer. I thought it was cute how he was practically begging me to finish. That's why I kept him ignoring him, and it was because I was a little mad that he didn't let me finish.

I see Niall move away from the corner of my eye, and the doctor takes his place. He looked really young and fit. He seemed to be in about his early thirties. He was really hot, but not as hot as Niall. Nobody can take his place at that.

"Hello Dania" he happily says, examining the clipboard near me.

"Hi" I reply.

"How are you feeling?" He doesn't take his gaze of the clipboard.

"Way better than yesterday" Thank goodness I did. I wouldn't have wanted to go to a concert with a massive headache.

"That's terrific news" He walks near me and wraps my arm with this bag while pumping air. He does a few other things and scribbles stuff on the clipboard.

For a second I forget Niall's here. I quickly glance at him staring out the window with a bored expression. Now he must've knew how I felt when I was being ignored earlier.

"Is there any questions you want to ask me?" He says, readjusting the stethoscope around his neck.

"I just wanted to know when I'll be leaving" I reply, feeling someone's gaze on me. It had to be Niall. Who else would it have been? I felt Ike he was trying to get me to stare at him. Or many it was my imagination.

He grabs the clipboard. "It says here that you were suppose to leave about an hour ago? Did a nurse named Ellen not tell you this information?"

I internally cringe at her name. I've barely met her and I already hate her guts.

"No she was too busy flirting with him" I point to Niall while maintaining eye contact with the doctor.

"Oh that Ellen. She's always been such a slacker when it came to male visitors. Anyways would you want me to get anything for you? Any other questions?"

"No, thank you though" I send him a warm smile. He does the same and walks out.

"So I'm getting the feeling that you don't want me here" Niall says glumly, walking back to his previous position.

What? Of course not!

I remain silent.

"So I'll just be going" he says, nearing the door. "I'm sorry if I made you jealous or something. I didn't mean to do that."

I look to him. "I was not jealous!" I say offensively. "You just made me mad cause you cut my explanation short." I huff. For that dumb blonde. I want to add.

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