Chapter 8 ~Highlight of my Life!

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Dania's POV

I lay on the ground hearing the footsteps of someone coming closer to me.

"Please let it be Niall! Please!" I couldn't bear to see that Daniel was the one who won the fight.

The person kicks me so that I'm on my back now. The excruciating headache is still present as I try to see who the man standing before me is. His boot comes in contact with my ribs, applying pressure to it. I wince out in pain.

"Hmm did you really think that he would kick my ass?" Daniel mocks. "That ass couldn't put up a fight!" He scoffs.

I stare at him in shock. He won? Daniel won!?! I try to scream but nothing comes out.

"Let's finish what we started" he smirks. He lifts me by the collar of my dress until we meet face-to-face and pushes me against the wall. His body grinds up on me in the most uncomfortable way. I try my best to shove him back, but fail as he reaches for both my wrist and puts them above my head. He starts to sloppily kiss my neck and grope my bum.

Why can't I fight back? I can't even scream to save my life! What'd he do to Niall?


Panic runs through me as I desperately search for him. My eyes land on the figure coughing blood all over the floor in front of him.

How could Daniel do this! Utter shock covers my features as I watch Niall. My eyes catch another figure against the wall. My eyes move to it.

Valerie? What's she doing here? I watch her. She's tied up in a sitting position and staring at Niall with a glassy stare. She looks at me, but doesn't say anything. What's wrong with her? Did Daniel find her too?

Daniel seems to have noticed me staring at them because he quickly let's go of me. I fall to the ground but it doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.

"Look at him coughing up blood like the little bitch he is. It almost makes me feel sorry for him. Maybe I should just end his life now." He coldly says, slowly walking to him, pistol in hand.

I frantically attempt to shout but nothing comes out again. I desperately move towards them but I feel too heavy to.

"Maybe I should kill both of them!" He manically yells. He pulls out another gun and aims one at Niall the other at Valerie.

"Stoooppp!!" I finally shout. The sound of both gunshots fire.

I immediately jolt upright in bed. It just a dream? No a nightmare.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and a few tears that made an appearance on my face. I look around. I'm in a hospital? Who brought me here?

The sun rays are seeping through the blinds indicating it's morning. I feel for the pain on my head and find a small bump. It was probably when that asshole threw me against the wall. Thankfully it doesn't hurt as bad. At least I can touch it without flinching.

I lean back in my pillow and shut my eyes, attempting to remember the hectic events that occurred last night.

Okay let's see. Well I remember having to walk home, being attacked by that creep, and being saved. I quickly open my eyes. Wait by who?

Soft snores interrupt my thoughts. I jump started and look around the room only to find someone wrapped in a blanket on the couch. Fluffy blonde hair peeked out from the top. How did I not notice this before?

Who could that be!? Maybe if I throw something at it they'll shift and uncover the blankets! Gosh I'm so smart!

I look around for something to throw and find a container full of random things. I reach for this blue plastic cup and turn my attention back to the person sleeping.

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