Chapter 7 ~Captain Ireland

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A/N: Throughout the story I will switch on peoples POV's just to let you guys know!


Niall's POV

I snap my head down at the girl being lifted in the ambulance. I could've sworn she said my name?

"Are you coming?" questions the man that helped lift her up in the vehicle.

I think about it. Mmm I have no contact to my management and the boys, since both my phones died, and if I leave I won't stop thinking about what's wrong/the true story behind that man that attempted to rape this poor innocent girl. I would also feel terrible for just leaving her like that after what she went through. I'm just not that type of person to abandon people in their time of need.

"Umm yeah" I reply. I jump in the vehicle and watch as the two men check her breathing and do other things. The ambulance whales away as we move. "Is she okay?" I ask, nervously.

"Well her breathing seems to be fine but that bump doesn't look too good" one of them says, studying it.

I glance at it and shudder, looking away. That thing was massive! Okay maybe not that massive but it was pretty damn big! What kind of "man" would even do that to a girl? That's no man if you ask me. I'm actually glad I couldn't find Harry and stumbled upon her instead. No lady should be treated the way she was being treated! That's why I had to stop it as soon as I saw it.

The two EMTs seem to be chatting away to one another. I look away from them and stare at the mystery girl. I begin to study her features. She has tan skin, long dark brown hair, small plump pink lips, and her skin is flawless. She's very beautiful in my opinion.

The heart rate monitor abruptly stops and panic instantaneously runs through me.

"HOLY SHIT!! IS SHE DEAD!?!" I shout, rushing to her and shaking her violently in attempt to wake her up. I can't let her die! For one, she looks too young. Plus, if anyone is to ever to find out about this I'll be in deep shit! I could see the headlines now, "Niall Horan found with Dead Body in ambulance" My eyes widen at the thought and I quickly glance to the two EMT people. Their attention wasn't even focused on her/me! Instead they were smacking the heart rate monitor.

"Don't worry about that damn thing she's dying over here!" I shout, still in disbelief at the two morons.

"Calm down this monitor shuts off at times. We haven't had the time to fix it or get a new one" says the other EMT, walking towards the mystery girl. He places the end of the stethoscope on her chest. "She's still alive" he reassures me.

I place my hand to my chest and breathe out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! I thought she died there for a second! I was about to crap myself" I wasn't meaning to say the last part but it slipped out anyways. I stare at the two EMTs who are laughing hysterically at me. I feel my face go red.

They're about to speak when the ambulance stops. This causes them to immediately stop laughing and go into serious mode. They carefully rush the patient out of the vehicle and to the hospital.

I follow them but get stopped by a few fans who spot me. "Shit" I curse to myself.

"Can we have a picture?" says a blonde haired teen, nervously.

Uh no! Did you not see the damn girl in the gurney being rushed to the hospital?! This isn't the time that this!

That's what I would've said but I'm too much of a nice guy to turn down one of our supporters.

"Uhh sure, but let's make it quick." She pulls out her white iPhone and snaps the pic. The other three girls do the same, but take their sweet time.

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