Chapter 5 ~In Walks Perfection

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"Do you have a reservation here?" Asks a brown-haired, blue-eyed, host. He was wearing black slacks and shoes, along with a dark red dress shirt. He looked around our age, which was 19. He was pretty cute.

"Of course we do cutie. The reservations under the name Valerie" she flirtatiously says.

The man flushes and gives her a bright smile. "R-right this way ladies" he stammers.

I giggle. Val sure knows what to say around a guy. Knowing me I'd probably just say my name and walk casually to where he led me. But Val's different.

We make our way through the almost empty restaurant and take our seats in the booth close by the window. The restaurant looks very elegant and well-organized. The smell of food fill my nostrils. It smells delicious! I can't wait to eat!

A waiter comes handing us menus and carries a booklet in his hand. He looks exactly like the man who brought us to our seats, only he was wearing a dark purple dress shirt instead.

"How'd you change so quickly?" I ask.

He looks at me with confusion then realizes what I said. "Ohh you must've saw my twin brother" he smiles. His English accent sent shivers down my spine.

"There's two of you?!" Val says astonished. I look at her and can already tell she's thinking dirty thoughts.

He chuckles "Yes there is, what would you ladies like to drink?" He asks, mainly staring at Valerie with a grin.

"Surprise me" Val flirtatiously says, sending him a wink.

He flushes. "U-uhh sure. W-what about you?" He stammers, turning to me.

"Um I would like a pink lemonade" I say, giving him a warm smile.

He jots in down and leaves after saying he'll be back to take our orders.

"Oooo Val look at you making a move on twins!" I say, giggling.

"Oh I'm planning to take both of them home tonight" she laughs.

"Oh my gosh Val! Eww!" I cringe. I definitely don't want to be there if she is. I don't think I'll ever be able to get the sounds out of my head.

The waiter comes back and asks us if we thought of what to order. I order the spaghetti and meatballs and Val orders the chicken Alfredo pasta. He nods, hands a white bubbly drink and piece of paper to Val. He probably gave her his number and white wine. He turns to me a hands me my lemonade then walks away.

"This place is so empty. I thought you said this was a 5 star restaurant?" I question, turning around to look at the place. There were two guys dressed in all black chit-chatting a few tables away and a few couples scattered throughout the area.

"Well maybe people didn't feel like eating Italian today" She replies.

I ignore her comment and stare back at the two men who didn't leave their gaze on me. Both men were very bulky and didn't have a friendly stare or features upon them. They both had shaved heads and gave me an uneasy feeling the longer they kept glaring at me.

"Here's your food" says the waiter, breaking me from my gaze with the men. He winks at Val and walks away.

Before he leaves Val grabs him by the arm and brings his head down to whisper something in his ear. His eyes go wide as he listens to her.

I quickly eat a few forkfuls of spaghetti and scarf down two meatballs. It was delicious! Except the meatballs tasted a little raw.

I drink from my lemonade but suddenly get the urge someone was staring at me. I quickly glance at the men and hear a clicking noise.

Stay Strong (Niall Horan Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz