Chapter 32 ~Meanwhile..

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A/N: First, Thank goodness I updated! Second, have any of you downloaded fireproof by 1D?! It's amazing!! Go download it for free before the 24 hours is up! Having trouble? Go here:

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Valerie's POV

"Damn it, Dania" I mutter to myself. My messages to her haven't been going through all month. Of course, I'm using Harry's phone because I lost mine a while back. I should say misplaced really.

"What was that babe?" Harry walks in with a soda in just a pair of sweats. God his body is glorious.

He decides to take a seat next to me with a look that was pressing me to answer him.

"Dania, she hasn't been answering her phone at all" I rub my forehead to ease my hectic thoughts. Maybe something happened to her? I'm going to cut the bitch who lays a hand on her.

"Did I ever tell you that Liam told me she was abducted by some strange guy?" He randomly says. I stare at him wide-eyed.

"WHAT!!!!" I shout. Why wasn't I informed of this!?! What the hell!! Now I'm really going to cut a bitch!

Before I can think, I feel Harry's massive hands pressing me down to stop me from standing up.

"Calm down! She's alright now" He says, calming me a little but not entirely.

"Harry I swear why didn't anyone tell me this!" I say my previous thoughts aloud. He slowly releases me, but keeping me close, in case I jump up and break something.

"I was going to as soon as I heard about it, but I kinda forgot" he sheepishly admits.

"Oh....yeah" I say, remembering what we did the day he said he needed to tell me. Man, was that a day...

"Do you know where she's at now?" I can't help but ask. I seriously wanted to know if she was safe. I kind of felt bad for not taking her the day I went to those clubs. I couldn't help it though, it was on probably the worst part of town, and I didn't want her getting abducted again. But still, I kind of lost her after.

Every time I was at the apartment she was never there. Yeah, she texted me at least once, but I didn't hear about her since. The only thing that kept me reassured she was okay, was when I would overhear Zayn talking about her when me and Harry were making out. and when Harry told me he saw her when we went out on our first date.

I still can't believe Harry asked me to be honest. Never in a million years would I have expected this to happen.

"I think Louis told me Niall reserved a spot for them somewhere. I'm not too sure though" He scoots closer, wrapping his arms around me. I felt so safe in his arms.

"I wonder for what?" I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Probably so they can shag in private" He jokes, chucking. I can't help but laugh with him.

"Oh, please. Knowing Dania the most they'll do is probably kiss" I laugh. Dania is too innocent to shag anyone. Plus, she's terrified of doing it. Little does she know that once it happens, the more you crave it.

"Yeah, Niall would probably be too scared to make a move anyways" He shifts my on his lap.

"I love sitting on your lap" I truthfully say.

"And I love seeing you bounce on it" He cheekily says. I smile at his dirty talk. I know he loves it because I love it too. It drives me crazy when he goes really quick and hard.

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