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Bryan paced the clock tower, early morning approaching.

"Stop pacing," Cora mumbled, as she watched the messages slowly decrypt. "You're making me nervous."

"I can't help but be nervous. What time did Norman say he'd be here."


"What time is it, now?"

"Twenty minutes passed, but that's not what you're worried about. Is it?"

"No...." Bryan stopped for a moment to think. "It's not possible, is it?"

"That Norman found out the real reason we needed him? Yeah. It's possible."


"Everything will be fine as long as everyone does their job."

"Where is he?" Asked Bryan, checking his watch.

"Here," Tori walked in, carrying a very unconscious Norman Knight.

"Tori," Bryan stammered. "What the..."

"Help him! I'm seriously rethinking my choice to go here instead of a hospital." Cora helped Tori and Norman over, as Bryan cleared off a table and they laid him there, his skin growing pale.

"What happened?" Cora demanded. Tori explained everything and Bryan pulled out medical supplies.

"What's happening to him?" Tori asked as she cradled Norman's head.

"This happens sometimes," Bryan explained. "People with powers can sometimes... overload if they use their abilities too hard too fast. It's most common with new people."

"What can we do?" Tori questioned. Bryan groaned and put his head in his hands.

"I'm not sure. You said he was flying just before?" Tori nodded.

"Guys!" Cora warned. "He's not breathing." Tori gasped and Bryan groaned. Tori started to perform CPR as Cora pondered a thought.

"Bryan, what if we shock him?" Cora wondered.


"Norman has electrical abilities, right? Well if he overloaded like a power strip? Maybe all he needs is a jump start?"

"Are you crazy?" Tori said. "This isn't a movie, that won't work. If we shock him, we could kill him."

"He's already dying! And I don't see you coming up with anything."

"Cora," said Bryan. "Help me." Cora helped Bryan onto a table and he cut a ceiling wire with his pocket knife. Bryan handed it down to Tori. "Cora, turn the switches on!" Tori wrapped Norman's arms with the cut wire.

"Please don't die," Tori whispered.

"Tori!" Cora yelled as she reached the switches. "Get back!" Tori jumped backward, running towards the back wall, as Cora turned the wire on. Norman's body arched, as electricity pulsed through him. Norman screamed in pain, his body starting to blister.

"Stop!" Tori screamed. "You're killing him!" Cora flipped the switch off, and Norman fell back against the scorched table. Tori ran to him, Cora following.

"Is he breathing?" Bryan asked. Tori checked his pulse, her own beating too quickly.

"He's breathing!" Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief, their early morning excitement a bit too exciting.

Tori stared at Norman, as his eyes opened, his pupils glowing electric blue.

"Huh," Tori breathed. Norman's eyes reverted as he sat up.


"What?" I asked her, groaning.

"Nothing. Just glad you're alive."

"What happened? I felt like I just went through a bug zapper. And where are we?"

"Good morning, sunshine," Cora chuckled.

"Oh God, you." Tori and I walked back to her house, both of us entirely exhausted.

"I can't believe Bryan is like this," Tori mumbled. "I guess I never really knew him."

"Tori, listen, I'm sorry... about everything. For lying, for..."

"Don't worry about it. But let's make a promise to never lie to each other again."

"Okay. It's a deal."

Average Joe (2018)Where stories live. Discover now