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Red Flame walked towards the killer. The Chronicle walked forward, his arms extending out.

"Red Flame," the Chronicle spoke. "I was beginning to wonder if we'd meet."

"You tried to kill someone. Here I am."

"You mean I tried to kill your son? I've been looking for him. So I did my research... Teddy boy."

Red Flame's eyes widened in concern.

It wasn't til later on I would remember "Teddy boy" is what Detective Mann called him. He was also the only person who knew my Dad's secret, besides me and Mom.

"That's right," the Chronicle smiled. "I know about Mann. At first, I was just looking for information on Norman there. But then... he spilled his guts - literally and figuratively - and I learned something utterly... fascinating." My father and I said nothing. "Norman Knight..." Chronicle shook his head. "Is the love child of Red Flame and Cold Front..." Chronicle made a 'tisk-tisk' sound. "If it makes you feel better, he didn't give it up easily. Five hours of personal perfecting."

"You'll die for that!" Red Flame snapped.

The Chronicle's smile only grew.

"But still... It was a tremendous mistake leaving my journal there. The police discovered who my next target was. And nobody gets in the way of my hunt."

Red Flame only increased the blaze radiating from his body and displayed himself directly between me and the Chronicle.

"Whoops," Red Flame shrugged.

The Chronicle smiled even wider then pulled a Gladius blade from behind him.

"Little gift from my mentor. Like it?"

"It's great. Too bad I'm going to have to melt it." Chronicle shook his head and smiled again.

"Bring it, Teddy boy."

Red Flame charged, his blaze leaving a trail of hot-red sparks and heat. Red Flame's fist plunged forward, and Chronicle slid to the side, dodging the blow, his foot quickly sticking out and tripping Red Flame. Red Flame stumbled but quickly regained his composure.

Red Flame blew three fire bolts, all of them targeting the Chronicle. The Chronicle slid to the right, the first bolt flying past. He jumped over the second one and finally knocked the third one with his blade, it flying straight towards me.

Using all of my strength, I jumped, landing in the middle of the tunnel, the wall where I just was, exploding with a deadly heat.

Red Flame and the Chronicle were locked in a battle to the death, and I looked up to see two large lights moving straight toward me.

I didn't have enough strength to move this time. I was going to die. As a last resort, I outstretched my arm, trying to unlock that inner power when Chronicle stabbed me.

Except I was tired. I had lost a lot of blood. There was a knife in my arm. And I could feel myself slipping away, but I realized something; I didn't have a choice in doing this, I had to do this. I yelled as I forced my lungs to intake more oxygen, my heart to beat faster, and my body to hold out just a little longer. Then it finally happened.

A blue arc of electric energy burst from my arm and struck the wheel of the approaching car.

It swerved and went straight past me. Red Flame, seeing an opportunity, kicked the Chronicle in the knee and jumped back as the car slammed into the Chronicle. The Chronicle slammed into the windshield, cracking it to pieces, then flipping over the top, and finally his form slamming into the asphalt. The car swerved again and bashed itself into the tunnel wall, causing an even bigger explosion, a huge crack going up and down the tunnel.

We were so screwed.

Red Flame jumped forward and grabbed the Chronicle, pulling him to his feet, his form bloody with slashes and bruises.

"You're going to jail," says Red Flame, completely winded. "For a long time."

The Chronicle only flashed his demonic smile again, his teeth stained with crimson.

"Oh," he laughed. "You still think this is about you?" Chronicle shook his head and pointed his broken arm to me. "This is about that kid there, and it's not going to end until his blood is shed."

"Shut the hell up," Red Flame grunted.

"My pleasure," Chronicle laughed, reaching behind him. The Chronicle lifted a dark object the size of a fist. Before my scream could even leave my cracked lips, another explosion sounded. A bright flash took over my field of vision.

I yelled as I saw my father's limp form hit the asphalt. My strength had suddenly returned and I crawled to him.

"Dad!" I yelled, searching for signs of life. I found a pulse. But it was faint.

Thinking logically first, I pulled off his mask and armor and put them in my bag.

I practically collapsed onto my Dad, trying to lift him, as the entire bridge was crumbling and burning around us. I tried to pull my father from the asphalt but it was no use. He was too heavy and I was too weak. I finally fell against him, all hope given up.

Through the smoke I saw a familiar image - deep red eyes... a wide, sinister smile... paper-white skin... and gray hair flowing like silver lace in the smoke and wind. Fear filled my chest, in turn causing a wave of embarrassment to hit my stomach.

My parents loved me. No matter what, they loved me. They both protected and saved me, but I failed to do it for them.

Then I had a thought. A terrifying thought and one I didn't want to think about again, but I'm going to have to leave it at a 'to be continued' because that's when I passed out. 

Average Joe (2018)Where stories live. Discover now