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10:09 pm, APRIL 13th

Today I'm feeling... lazy. My God-fearing mother always told me women want a man who isn't lazy. But right now, I still feel obligated to liberate the next thing I see walking down the street.

There are lots of people on this street, though, how is a man like me supposed to... oh.

The prey is walking down the street. Pale, dark hair, blue... no green eyes. Fifteen, maybe sixteen.

He walks closer to the telephone pole. He looks beat up. His back is bloody, and so is his nose. His face is wearing a black eye and he's scraped up pretty badly.

I can't take him. Not yet. It's like my little brother used to say, you want to find out if someone is a true man? Watch what he does when his enemies are weakened.

I want to challenge him in his prime condition.

Hold on... there's a name on his bag. Well, well, well...

See you soon, Norman Knight.

Average Joe (2018)Where stories live. Discover now