Remembering His Love (Niall Horan)

Start from the beginning

I promise you I'll come back the day after the X-Factor ends. I don't care what they'll plan, I'm coming back for you, because I love you. I will always love you, Ella. So I'm coming back, like I said, the day after the X-Factor ends, and I'm taking you with me wherever I go. And we'll be together again.

Please don't hate me, El. I love you too much for that to happen, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

And for now, my beautiful Ella Castings, my princess, I say goodbye to you. I love you, and I won't ever stop.


Your Niall"

It was there on that bench, on that oddly cheery, sunny day, that I collapsed into a fit of tears. Every part of me was shaking, but I managed to keep a tight grip on that last note. The one of goodbye, signed with his love.

No one came out to see why there was a girl sobbing their heart out so loudly on her front porch. I stayed on that uncomfortable bench for hours, just crying and crying. The food stayed on that porch, too. And I was hungry, but I couldn't bring myself to eat at that moment.

It was late in the afternoon when my dad opened the front door, and came out in his wheelchair. I didn't notice, though. I kept my head in my hands, hugging my knees, and crying.

"Ella! What's going on?" He asked, startled, wheeling over to me.

I looked up and hiccuped as an answer, silently holding out the note. My father was fine with Niall and I knowing that we were so in love at such a young age. Love is love, no matter how old you are, and my father believed that.

His blue-green eyes, so much like mine, skimmed over the note, and they hardened.

"Oh, sweetie." He touched my shoulder in a calming way, but it only made me squeeze my eyes shut and cry harder.

He was leaving me. Niall was leaving me. My Niall. My beautiful, fantastic Niall was leaving me.

No, no! I wanted to scream, but no words left my mouth. The only noises that escaped from me were loud, choking sobs. I tried mouthing the words so they would come out, but it just kept going on silently. He can't! It can't be real! He's lying! He can't leave me! He can't...

No, no, no! I shook my head.

My father laid his warm hands on my back, and pulled me as close as he could, as he was in a wheelchair and I was on a bench. He rubbed my back, and I soaked his shirt with tears, still shaking.

"It's okay, Sweetie." He whispered in my ear in his calm, fatherly voice.

No! No, it's not okay! I yelled silently. But he didn't see my face, so he didn't see my silent screams.

"He loves you."

More crying. Louder crying. By now, a few doors opened, and I heard a few shuffling footsteps onto our porch.

"John! What's wrong with Ella?" I could barely hear a voice say over me.

"Sweetie, can Ms. Glen read the note?" My father asked gently.

Ms. Glen was an old widow who lived next door, an extremely sweet lady who always had good intentions.

I shrugged against him, not looking up. I didn't care who saw it. If everybody in the world had to read it so I would get Niall back, then I would get everybody to read it. But even that wasn't the case. I just wanted him. Just Niall. Was that too much to ask?

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