Remembering His Love (Niall Horan)

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Soooo um.... Yeah. I really loved writing this, and I really, really, REALLY hope you do too! I'm sorry for any errors I might have overlooked.

This is dedicated to WiseCarrot... again lol. But she's like, totally nice, and an awesome person from what I know of her, AND YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT HER STORIES!

I had to do research for this story lol. Lots of dates I had to research, and quotes. You'll see more later on.

That's Ella in the sidebar. She's a looker, ain't she?

Anyways, Niall Horan is life, which is why I wrote another story about him. I couldn't help it.



Chapter 1:


December 9th, 2012

The anchor lady on the news chattered on aimlessly about celebrities. The rain pattering hard against my windows drowned out most of her voice. But it didn't drown out the words I wasn't prepared to here.

"One Direction's Niall Horan is back in his hometown of Mullingar, Ireland to spend his Christmas holiday with family. He arrived no less than yesterday, and was seen by neighbors walking up his driveway. His family must be so proud of such a successful, young, talented boy." She smiled peacefully at the camera.

There was nothing peaceful about those words, not for me.

Two years ago, that very same Niall Horan broke my heart. He left me behind. I loved him. I loved him so much it almost scared me sometimes. I still do love him. He never quite got around to making me not.

He did get around to making me hate him, though. I do hate him quite a lot. He shattered my heart so much, I wouldn't speak to anyone for a month. No words left my mouth whatsoever for 35 days. After that, it started with my father, and slowly, very slowly, to everyone else.

Here, in the small town of Mullingar, I was known for 3 things; The daughter of that sickly and dying man, the girl who can't get over that boy, and Niall Horan's ex-lover.

No one brought him up in front of me. It was too tense of a subject. They spoke about it behind my back, but never cleanly in front of me. They had to leave me with some dignity, if any was left.

Niall Horan left me with one last note. One last note of love. And one first note of goodbye.


April 11th, 2010

I walked over to my front door, groceries filling my hands. I grinned wide when I saw the blue piece of paper taped to the door.

He sent me another note. Niall and I always left each other notes. Cheesy? Maybe, but I thought it was sweet.

I set the bags down on the front porch, snatched the note off the door, and sat down on a bench to read it.

"Morning, Ella

Before I continue with this note, I want to say something: I love you, princess, and I'm sorry.

Now that that's out of the way, I need to get on with this. Remember how I've always wanted to go on the X-Factor? I'm going. And I'm going to make it. But I have to say goodbye. Im auditioning on the 15th. I'm leaving today, and by the time you read this, I'll probably already be on a flight to the auditions. And right now, in this note, I'm breaking up with you, El. I'm so, so sorry. I'm really upset about this, too. I don't want to do this, I love you, but I need to concentrate on my music. It's what I've always dreamed of, what I've always wanted.

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