"Says the one who is scared of a girl." Kiba raised his eyebrow, waiting Naruto's reply.

Naruto took a moment to realise that he was actually referring to Sakura. "You're also afraid of her even though you're an ANBU! You just wear your mask to hide it!"

"We wear masks to hide our identities not because of fear!" Kiba scowled in defense.

Naruto waved his hand dismissively as an idea cracked his brain. "Eh you're just jealous because I'm a hokage."

Kiba's eyes widen just when he raised his hand warningly. "Let me remind you that we protect the hokage otherwise a hokage's job will not be that easy."

"A hokage still has a higher rank!"

"Are you saying that the ANBU are weak?!"

"What if I am?! Whatcha gonna do about it dog-boy?"

"Oh it's on you bastard!" Kiba gritted his teeth with a fist up.

Naruto did the same as they were in a fighting position. "We'll see about that!"

Both Naruto and Kiba shot an imaginary lightning trance towards each other. Their match seemed to end up in a fight with smoke at the moment that they sent each other punches and kicks at the background while the others were talking or eating.

A sweat dropped Shikamaru's forehead while he was watching Chouji eat. "Easy on the food, Chouji." He reminded him since he will most likely be the one who will pay for their bill.

Though Chouji seemed to be grabbing every bit of food at the table.

"This is the springtime of youth! I will also join Chouji-san!" Lee pumped his fist up with sparkles at his background in determination as he started to devour his food like Chouji.

Shikamaru spanked his palm towards his forehead. Wish good luck for him.

Shino skimmed the people around him before swallowing the food in his mouth. "I should have stayed home. Why? Because no one seems to bother my presence." Shino sulked at the corner.

Hinata patted her teammate's back. "We're here for you Shino-kun."

"Feels like the good old times." Tenten stretched her arms and Hinata nodded with a smile in agreement.

Halfway on eating her meal, Ino turned to Sakura with those curious eyes. "By the way I forgot to ask, what happen when you didn't visit me for the past few days? I just heard that you were in the hospital. Tell me the details forehead." She warned Sakura with a serious expression.

Yamanaka Ino knows something is up and she, the gossip queen of Konoha, will not let this slip.

When Ino first came in the room and saw Sakura, she first scolded her like a mother for making her worried since Sakura didn't visit nor contact her for the past few days to which she apologized in return.

Sakura secretly took a glimpse of her surroundings, seeking for rescue. Sasuke was eating while Naruto and Kiba, who are now temporarily in a truce, were telling Sasuke on what he had missed out. They were also accompanied by Shikamaru in terms of political information. Chouji and Lee were on an eating contest. Well to Lee it was at least. Shino was in his own dimension while Hinata and Tenten were chatting as Ino waited for her to reply.

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