G A V I N // R E E D

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Words:596Game:Detroit: Becoming Human A/N: This is for my own personal ship on another fanfiction I love

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Game:Detroit: Becoming Human
A/N: This is for my own personal ship on another fanfiction I love. This is her account > xxneverxlosexhopexx

Gavin confesses before Tasha walks down the aisle.
Non- reader insert.

Gavin was oddly quiet and for some reason, his presence seemed to unnerve Tasha. While she was smiling from ear to ear, patting down her fluffy, white dress. She felt his eyes bare down on her. As if his eyes were burning every trace of him from her being. This meant he was angry (and she would rather it that than anything else).

And eventually, Tasha couldn't stand it any longer. His sulky mood was seeping out his pores and it ultimately put her on edge for her own wedding. She promised herself she wouldn't have cold feet for Connor, he was the love of her life. Yet, there was a gnawing feeling at the corner of her mind. It wasn't cold feet exactly, she wasn't nervous or hesitant to walk down that aisle. Instead, Tasha felt like something was missing... Like she needed her friend's approval before she made this drastic change.

At the questioning thoughts, Tasha swiftly offered a side-ways glance toward Gavin. With his scar was the distortion of his rough features.

Yep, he was pissed.

"Come on Gavin-" she sighed before lifting her dress to turn toward him, "- it's my wedding day, be happy".

"... I am",

"Yeah right, and I fart rainbows" Tasha announced sarcastically as she raised her eyebrow. She could see amongst his pools of grey that something he wouldn't admit was sitting behind them.

"I'm your friend Gavin-" Tasha reinforced with a smile and a hand on his suited shoulder,
"- you can tell me anything".

"Bullshit!" Gavin suddenly exclaimed as he slapped her hand away.

At the harsh action, Tasha pulled back with a dull stinging pain buzzing upon her skin.

"Answer me this... Did you ever consider me?",

"I don't understand-",

"Don't act like an idiot Tasha, we both know you aren't one" Gavin chastised with a violent glare pointed in her direction. But, strangely enough it sent pleasurable shivers dancing down her exposed back.

"... Yes, once" Tasha murmured under her breath, yet Gavin stood there as if she was still silent. So he remained as he was, with his arms knotted and posture stiff (as if he was prepared to explode).

"Okay, yes! Once upon a time Tasha Price had a huge crush on Gavin Reed, this arrogant, ambitious doucheba-".

Tasha couldn't finish her sentence. After all, her lips were unable to move as Gavin's were placed firmly against them. Electricity shot throughout her body and so did a guilt. This was wrong, she was betraying Connor before their life together had even started.

"No!" She said through his advances, pushing him away as she did so. And thankfully, he stumbled back willingly.

Filling the silence was panting breaths and the rapid beating of Tasha's heart. It drummed against her ribs and tore through her chest with a horrific ache. Gavin was a her best friend and... Yes, maybe he did mean more. But ,the android waiting was worth more than that, he was worth more than her betrayal and disloyalty.

"I'm sorry Gavin, I can't do this now. Maybe if you said this before... I would've considered",

"Well, it would've been a waste of time anyway" he said, brushing it off with a bitter distaste.

"What do you mean by that?" Tasha asked with a masked tremble of her voice.

"That plastic prick was always gonna be first. I should've known that", and with his words, Gavin stormed out the room and left Tasha standing there, all alone as she made the second-most important walk of her the life. The first being leaving him.

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