"Zimsy, I need you to pack my bags!" I called to my house elf.

"Right away, Miss Snape!" Zimsy called to me. 

I got up from my chair and walked over to Nusaeross' cage. 

"Come on, we're going to the Malfoy's" I told the Raven, opening his cage. 

He willingly flew into the cage and let me lock him in. I got my green velvet cloak and wrapped it over my shoulders. I walked back over to Nusaeross and Zimsy appeared beside me with my trunk in her hand. 

"Please take me to the Malfoy's." I told her. 

She hesitated before nodding. I took the cage in one hand, while I took Zimsy's hand in my free hand. She held my trunk and before I knew it, we had apperated outside of the Manor. 

"I need to go back now. I can do this on your own, right?" Zimsy asked me.

I nodded to her and watched her disappear back home. I moved closer to the door and knocked five times. The door quickly flew open and I saw Dobby standing behind it. 

"Hello Dobby." I smiled at the elf.

"You have grown! Mr Draco will be very surprised!" Dobby smiled at me. 

I laughed and took my trunk. I carried my things inside and placed them beside the door. I gave Dobby my cloak and I walked further inside the mansion. 

"This place never changes." I sighed happily.

"I agree. Boring isn't it?" I heard a voice ask.

I felt like I recognised it, but it wasn't like any other voice I have heard before. 

I looked to where the voice had come from. On the stairs, there was a blond boy that I had missed all summer. I quickly walked up to him as he got to bottom of the stairs. I flung my arms around his torso, my face buried into his chest.

"You've grown." He laughed.

I looked up at him, smiling. His face had matured a little, his hair still slicked back with massive amounts of product. But his voice has changed and he's much taller.

"You've changed more than I have." I pointed out.

We let go of each other and made our way to the kitchen.

"Is my father here?" I asked him.

"Yeah, he's talking with my my parents." He told me.

"Do you know what about?" I asked.

Whatever it was, it must have been important, seeing as my father has hardly been home all summer.

"No clue, but I've learned to not pick and prod at things that aren't including me when it comes to my father." He said.

He jumped up onto the counter and pulled down the jar of cookies. He took one and offered it to me.
I laughed. Had he not learned anything? I don't eat sweets or baked goods or anything like that. They're highly addictive.
I walked over to the fruit bowl and took a green apple. Then I walked over to the counter and sat next to him.

"I don't understand you, Rave." He said to me.

I looked at him questioningly.

"All kids eat things like this! But you don't! What kind of childhood do you live in?" He asked.

"I have all the self control in the world when it comes to food. I know the dangers of sweets. If I don't eat them, I'm not in danger." I told him.

"Your loss." He shrugged and began to eat his cookie.

We talked about our summers and plans for this year. Draco's summer was much more eventful than mine. He got to fly and practice anything he could to prepare for quidditch this year. At least he could fly. I couldn't because of all the muggles I lived around.

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