Chapter 5 - Valentines Day

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"hyung check your phone" jimin groaned as he grabbed the pillow and putted it over his head.

"hmpff" yoongi said half awake as he grabbed his phone and check his notifcations..."ITS VALENTINES DAY" yoongi shouted making the others flinch and wake up.

"why do you anyones going to ask you" jungkook said grinning.

"is that a challenge??" yoongi smirked lifting an eyebrow 

"..idk...maybe" jungkook answered as hoseok and jimin kept looking at them.

"CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" they both said at the same time and fist bumped each other

"are we the only normal ones living in this house" hoseok turned to jimin and asked him.

"i think we are hobi hyung" jimin said as the both of them bursted out laughing


"ill go and get it" yoongi said standing up.

"wait hyung i think we should all go still a bit sceptical of what happened yesterday" hosoek said as him and jimin stood up.

"i dont know what the hell you are talking about..well considering i was drunk and the fact that i dont care so do the hell what you want" yoongi said as they all went down the stairs

They opened the door..but nothing was least they taught they looked down and found 4 boxes..they each grabbed one and opened the box .In it contained a ring 

1 silver

1 gold

1 rose gold

1 copper

On top of each box was written

I wonder that my love will never change

i wonder what will happen to us

i wonder that thing will be alike

alike as i would love to see

i just want to be able to stop time

and i want the spark,the memories between us

To remain with the time.

They looked at each other and grabbed the ring and placing it in their left ring finger.As they looked at it they wondered who gave it to them.It look very expensive

"they are very pretty" jungkook said as he mesmerized the ring in his finger

"They really are" jimin agreed as he and the others kept staring at the rings.What they didnt realize is that on every ring there was an initial.After a few minutes of looking at the ring they continued on with their day and started getting ready to go to school.They arrived a bit early today and saw the school decorate with pink and white decorations like..balloons..candles..teddy bears...and fake chocolate boxes.They went to the school hall where there was the lockers and putted their stuff in the locker since today was a festa they had a valentine carnival with lots of booths in their school.Once they were ready they went into the school grounds and saw lots of students,teachers and booths.

"OKAY which one should we go first?" jimin said jumping up and down exited.

"OHH LETS GO THE CANDY ONE" Hoseok screamed as they started walking to the pink and white and red booth.It was packed so they didnt see the candy that was there other than bunch of peoples heads.It was finally yoongis turn.

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