Chapter 9 - Something About You

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Saturday 9pm

The 4 boys were on the couch watching a horror movie since they didnt have any ideas or plans with their girlfriends.When They suddenly heard 4 thumps near the front door.The humans were slightly jumped from the sudden noise and decided to go check what it was. Jimin opened the door slowly and gasped of what he just saw.4 girls laying unconsious on their front door stair way.

Caitlin Pov

Me and the others decided to start with just patroling their house from each side.But i suddenley heard a whistle which is our secret code when something is strange or we needed to talk.I heard it from Nirvana's direction and speed walked there already finding the others there with nirvana and started talking.

"What happened why did u whistle,i was enjoying the movie with them" Caitlin chuckled.

"caitlin unnie now its not the time some one is here,and they are not friendly"Nirvana explained worried.

"what do you me-" before mireille could finish a needle was shot from the forest,and was shot in her right leg we all looked at her leg and fell on the groud unconcious as we started to panic i saw the others fall down...and than all i remmember was everything turning black.

Mireille POV

I slowly open my eyes not knowing what happened and i found myself in a bed all tucked in with a glass of water on the side.I looked around and found the others still unconcious in a bed all tucked in as well.i was about to go wake them all up,when i saw the door knob turning and decided to act asleep again.

Third person POV

"what do you think happened to them?" yoongi asked as they went in.

"how should i know i wasnt with them,so i have no clue" jimin answered as his focus was on the four girls in front of him.

"should we shake them awake?" jungkook asked.

"i mean i guess we should.." hoseok agreed and the others nodded and started shaking the girls awake.All of them whined except for mireille but jolted up when they smelt the humans.The 4 boys flinched and backed away.

"w-what happened w-why are we here" Nirvana stuttered as she mentally slapped her self.In reality she knew what happened but she wasnt going to tell them that they were secretly vampires trying to protect you from other dangerous blood sucking demons.

"well we should be the ones asking you why you were near our house...but we just opened our front door after we heard loud thumps and saw you 4 unconcious on our stair way."jungkook explained as the 4 girls nodded.

"Wait..." hoseok said trailing off the topic and inspected nirvana well..

"didnt we see you a few nights ago" hoseok questioned her as the others just realised.

"uhhhmmm no?" nirvana said questioning and signaling the others for help.But they just shrugged as they had no idea what to do in this scinerio.

"you dont sound so sure" jimin said.

"wellll....yes i have seen you a few nights ago,me and my friends here were at a party and had a few drinks,we didnt think that we were that drunk to just go unconcious in the middle of walking home." Nirvana explained as she sighed.

"uhhmm...WELL thanks for the warm hospitality but we have to go back home..." amanda said as she started walking to the door but yoongi and hoseok easily blocked the way making her stop her tracks as she looked at them and huffed.

"what?" amanda said frustrated.

"we didnt say we were finished"yoongi said as he smiled at her.

"well i dont know why you need to ask us any more questions...should we be scared..we dont know you maybe you are rapists or WORSE KILLERS AHHHH" mireille said as she went behind caitlin and nirvana.The 4 boys chuckled and looked at the three and back at amanda as she slowly back away and went near the others.

"FINE...ask away" Amanda said giving up.

The 4 boys looked at each other.

"we dont know any more questions to ask." hoseok chuckled as the 4 girls looked at them in confusion.

"so why arent you letting us go" nirvana asked them.

"Cause we feel like we shouldnt let go of look familliar to some one we perhaps have known from our past but our memories arent that clear right now so we cant clearify anything,so your staying."Jimin said and the four girls looked at each other.

"but what if we said that we have some where to be?" Mireille asked them hoping that they will let them go.

"well do you?" jungkook asked them.

".....yesss?"caitlin said.

"That didnt sound a clear yes to me" hoseok said.

"well i think you should get your ears cleaned than" caitlin chuckled and heard an "Aish" from hoseok.

"well we do have some where to be" amanda protested.

"no you dont" yoongi said sternly 

"yes we do"

"no you dont"

"yes we do"

"no you dont"

"no we dont"

"yes you d-I MEAN" 

"HAH tricked you,you said it your self we have some where to be and thats going home so if you excuse us" amanda said as she pushed trhough them but was easliy dragged back to the others.

"stay here for the night,you slept the whole day today and i dont think we will alow 4 teenage girls to walk around alone in the streets late at night...soo just stay this night and maybe we will think about letting you go" hoseok said.

"fine" Nirvana said at the 3 other girls looked at her confused but she winked at them signaling that she had and idea,the girls understood her and nodded at the 4 boys.The humans smiled at them.

"do you guys want anything to eat?" jimin said but the vampires shook their head.

"we just want to rest if thats okay,but you can sleep in your beds we will sleep on the couch"Caitlin said

"its fine you girls can sleep on the beds we will go sleep on the cou-" before yoongi can proceed mireille stopped him.

"ITS fine we will sleep on the couch goodbye now sweet dreams" Mireille said as she pushed the 3 girls out the room and went downstairs.The 4 boys just shrugged and went to sleep.

"check the door" nirvana said to mireille and nodded.

"locked" mireille sighed.

"hmm windows?" caitlin said.

"locked aswell" mireille said as she checked the windows

"try opening them" Amanda asked her.

"how do you open this things" mireille groaned in frustrtaion as the others giggled.

"hmm lets go check the windows upstairs maybe those arent locked." Amanda said and the others nodded as they went up the stairs and lucky lucky the fist window they saw which was at the end of the hallway was open.

"pfft...probably thought we couldnt escape from here" caitlin cockily said

"pabo of course they will think that,i dont think i human would just easily jump a 2 story house with out breaking something." Nirvana said as she smacked caitlins head.

"okay okay okay lets just get out of here"Amanda said as the others nodded and speed walked and jumped out of the window.They glanced at the house again and speed walked to the forest.

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