Life changing decision

Start from the beginning

" he saved you??" She asked confused.

"Yep" I nodded.

"Big time" Rosie added from the back.

"But you hate each other!" Mum said, still hung up on that fact.

"Hated" I mumbled.

"So, what? You like him now?" She asked, with a teasing grin.

"Ugh, I don't know" I sighed.

I really don't and it's frustrating! I don't want to admit I do and be humiliated when I find out he still hates me, but then again he saved me, so he can't hate me that much?

"I - I think I might" I said after a while, knowing they all just want to know my thoughts.

"But you're not sure?" Rosie asked, almost persuading me to re-think.

"Oh My God...I'VE GOT IT!" Kyle suddenly yelled out, taking us by surprise, he's been so quiet this journey I kind of forgot about him.

"Got what?" I asked.

"Ash! I know you're all thinking 'why wouldn't he come back?', Right?"

Actually thinking about it he's got a point, why didn't he come back?

"So...?" Rosie edged him on

"Well I know!"

"Kyle, just tell us already" Rosie sighed, eager to know.

"He's scared!" He stated, like it was obvious. "Scared of his feelings..." He added, his tone softening, "His feelings you, Hazel"

Just from that statement from Kyle, my entire life got a hundred times more complicated.

"Are you sure?" I asked, in barely a whisper.

Kyle just nodded from the back of the car and relaxed back into his seat as Rosie looked at me in sympathy.

"Well, it would make sense?" She said, helping believe it.

I wanted to reply but I had no idea what to say. One minute my life is plain and normal, easy! Then so suddenly it's all different and I have all this information coming at me in all directions confusing the hell out of me.

"Right, we need to just sort this out? Just have a proper chat and clear things up, decide what your guna do yeah?" Mum suggested.

"Yeah, a long long chat" I added.

"Well, we haven't got to be anywhere...and it'll be better the sooner we can get it done, so why don't we do it once we're back at yours?" Rosie suggested.

I suppose it will be better to get it over and done with, before bed so I'll actually be able to sleep.




When we arrived home, we literally just left all the luggage in the car, came inside, mum made some tea and we sat on the sofa's ready to talk this out.

"So I don't want to put any pressure on you sweetie, but whatever you choose to do now, will literally change your's a big decision" Mum said, clearing her throat. "I'm going to leave you 3 to talk because I know you don't need me" She said but walked out the door before I had time to object, because actually I do need her, I need my mum in this decision but yet again other things are more important than me.

"Don't worry, we got this" Kyle said, scowling at the door. I guess he see's what an unreliable mum I have too?

"Okay, so Ash..." Rosie started.


"Right, Haze do you like him, or not? And don't say you don't know...because you either do, or you don't" She finished, being stern but that kind of helps.

"Honestly, at first I was thinking no, but thinking about that night in the cave, the kiss and everything...I think, yes" I admitted, knowing I can trust these two.

"Awww omg!" Rosie squealed

"Rosie shut up" I teased.

"Are you sure? Because we can't act on a maybe with the chance of you realising you don't actually like him...I mean, this is a huge change! You hated him for years! Are you sure your feelings just changed this quickly?"

I'm not guna lie, Kyle really just took me by surprise with his serious little paragraph there, but he is totally right, am I sure?

"Kyle I hate you" I sighed, rubbing my forehead, "Now i'm doubting it again".

"Okay, I can tell we'll get nowhere here until you both know how you feel, so I have an idea" Rosie joined in.


"Yeah...We need to go find Ash"

A/N -

Slight cliff hanger for you guys....What do you think?

~Will they actually go?

~ What will happen if they do?

~ What will happen if they don't?

.....You'll soon find out;)



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