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"SCAR!!!!" I yelled as I banged on the door. On the pissed off scale of 0-10 I was easily at infinity times two.

"Hold on!" I heard Scarlett say faintly through the hard oak door. Maids and butler walked by some wondering if I had finally lost it and others with just a look of concern. Either way they were returned with a growl at anyone who dare confront me right now besides Scar who was about to get her tail kicked if she didn't answer this damn door. Suddenly the door flew open but my arm was stuck in motion and continued to lunge nearly pounding Scarlett on the forehead.

"Really Sarah! You've been living in this castle for two years. For the last time there is no beating on the doors." Scarlett said.

"In my defense it started out as light tapping but my patience wore out waiting five minutes for you to get to the damn door." I said as I entered the room.

"In case you forgot I'm seven months pregnant." She said pointing at her protruding belly. Ravensburg newest royal was set to enter the world in three months. I still remember the day she told Dalton the news. He cried like a baby and me being me I laughed in his face. Honestly I understood why he was so emotional. He completely missed the entire process with Sky so he's gone a bit overboard with his baby boy on the way. Scar was already being waited on hand and foot by the workers but now even Dalton was a slave to unto her. It surprised me he wasn't in here now with her.

"Sky was a breeze but this little guy likes to have boxing matches with my spine. So, pardon me for taking more than the usual amount of time to get to the door." She said as she made her way to the couch before taking a seat. It wasn't the most graceful of moves but even Rolonda had been lenient with Scarlett as of lately. Who would have thought that a baby made under her own roof was all she needed to cool her jets?

"Ugh I'm sorry but we have an emergency." I said as I paced the floor of the room.

"I figured that much from the banging on the door. What's the emergency?"

"Okay so James and I have been married for what six months now, right?" I asked as she nodded her head. "And you know how he has flowers delivered to my office every Monday because I hate Monday's just like everyone else? Always addressed to me from him and with the same message that melts my heart."

"Aw Sarah are you going soft on me?" Scarlett said with a laugh.

"Oh never. You're laughing now but wait until I finish my story. So why did today I receive another delivery of flowers?"

"Easy! Because he loved you more today than he did the day before."

"Cut the poetry crap Scarlett because this delivery was had a different message, sent from him, and addressed to someone named Kelsey! WHO THE HELL IS KELSEY SCAR? I mean the last time I checked my name isn't Kelsey. No one in my building is named Kelsey. No one in our circle of friends is named Kelsey so I ask you again Scarlett Newton Hathaway! Who. Is. Kelsey!?!" I said taking a step closer with every word until I was practically in her lap with my finger pointed at her head.

Gently Scarlett grabbed hold of my hand pulled me to the seat beside her. "First thing take seat, take a breather, and calm down. No good decision is ever made when you're emotional." She said as I closed my eyes and took a long shaky breathe. My legs refused to stop bouncing any my hands quivered even as Scar took hold of them in her hand.

"That's no fair. We made those decisions together mostly and you got the guy in the end Queen Scarlett."

"And we'll make this decision now together and keep your marriage intact. James is crazy about you and he knows you're just flat out crazy. There's no way he could be cheating on you."

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