Chapter 6 - Graceful, I Am Not

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Every Friday was family game night at my parent's house and tonight's game was UNO for the kids and Spades for the adults. Skylar's fever had broken so now she was full of life as she ran around the living room table as Brandon chased her. Lacy and I were in the middle of an intense game against Frank and Andrew as Jaclyn placed more appetizers on the table. Tonight I had mostly stress eaten pizza and brownies as I pondered on how I would explain to my family that Skylar's father had waltz back into our lives. To them all Dalton was is a deadbeat who didn't deserve any of our time and most certainly not anytime in Skylar's presence. Although it would be difficult to explain it all to them it would be harder to explain to Skylar where her father had been all this time.

Dad had decided to make the game interesting by gambling on the game and it was obvious he was regretting the choice since they were losing. The game eventually ended with 500 points Team L/S and 350 points Team F/A. Lacy and I split the $50 winnings evenly and we all started to chit chat about random parts of our day. Dad didn't go to work today in order to avoid dealing with a difficult co-worker. Work was hectic for Andrew at the electric company since most of the town's lights went out last night during the storm. Lacy and mom had a calm day at the thrift store where they both worked.

"So how was work for you today Scar," asked my father.

"Yeah. I heard you guys were supposed to have some big hot shoots coming over today," said Lacy.

"Oh I hope you got us an autograph," said Jaclyn excitedly.

"Well, it was good. Today Mr. Rogers had an interview with the royal family of Ravensburg England" I said nervously as I slowly began to recount the day's events. "He started his interview at 1:00 with King Dominic Hathaway. The king brought with him his Queen Rolonda and son Prince Dalton Duke of Ravensburg."

"Dalton? That name sounds familiar" said Lacy as they all began to ponder on the familiarity of the name until Jaclyn gasped.

"I remember Dalton! That is the same name as Skylar's dad" Jaclyn said, whispering her name so as not to draw her attention from where she sat on the couch watching Disney channel with Brandon.

"Ugh. Don't even mention that boy's name in the presence. I mean how dare he just leaves my baby girl and my beautiful grand girl" said my father.

"Well dad you can't really get mad at him since he doesn't even know Skylar exists," Andrew said in Dalton's defense.

"I bet that was awkward for you to meet another person with the same name as your baby daddy," said Lacy.

"More than you could possibly know," I said with a sigh. "This wasn't just any other random Dalton because this was my Dalton. Skylar's father is Prince Dalton Duke of Ravensburg." At first, they all stared in shock until my mother started to laugh causing everyone else to laugh.

"That was a good one. You almost got us there" Jaclyn said as the others nodded in agreement.

"Yeah you're cute and all Scar but I doubt even you could get a Prince to fall for you" teased Andrew.

"Excuse me but I can and I did get a prince. We didn't fall in love but what one-night stand ever ends with real love?"

"It's not that I don't think you wouldn't be able to make one fall in love with one but I doubt that you would have the gracefulness of a princess and especially not that of a queen."

"I am so much more graceful than you think," I said rising from my seat as I walked to the bookcase grabbing three medium-sized books. "I can be graceful just watch." I placed the three books on my head and began to walk around the edges of the room. I was doing fine until I stepped on a stray Lego on the floor causing me to jump and drop all the books. I picked up the books as we all laughed, including Brandon and Skylar. It was all funny to me too but we had gotten off track and I needed to get the train of conversation back on my discovery of Sky's father.

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