Chapter 34 - Court is in Session

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It was like a constant clock was ticking in my head all night . I barely got any rest but I wasn't sure if it was excitement to tell the truth or fear that this would be too much for Dalton to handle right now. Its crazy how one moment I was all for breaking this up by whatever means necessary but the thought of bring more pain onto Dalton changed it all.

I had decided to wait til morning to deliver the news to Dalton. It was long day and he deserved a bit of rest before all doors opened again the next day. I could her a slight shuffling of feet going through the hallway. Our end of the palace was shut off from the public but apparently the maids and butlers were still hard at work to keep a barely used corridor of the castle continuously spotless. I was sat up with my head lying against the headboard and Sky using my leg as a pillow as I watched morning cartoons. Spongebob was on the daily grind of flipping Krabby Patties when a knock came to the door. I gently slid my leg from underneath Sky whose head bounced on the mattress but never stopped her rhythmic snores.

"Special delivery Ms. Newton. Don't open the windows while you're eating she can smell it a mile away." The maid said nervously as soon as I opened the door. She quickly wheeled a cart with covered plates into the room before she started to rush out.

"What is this? Why cant I open the window?" I asked but she just ignored me and shut the door behind her ever so softly. On the cart was a note that read 'Enjoy an extra special breakfast. Find me when your done. -D.H.' I uncovered the plates revealing a stack of pancakes and a plate of bacon. Who would have known that a few days without this gift from God would put you in such a withdrawal?

I quickly recovered the plate not wanting to let Rolonda get the scent of it. How could I hurt the feelings of someone willing to go against his mothers most important rule? I struggled internally to make a decisions. Ripping the band-aid off seemed to be the only way to go. If it were me I'd want to know the truth no matter how it hurt. I called Sarah over to babysit with a bacon bribe and she was more than happy to oblige. I made my way out the door and headed towards Dalton's room. I didn't have much time until James would step in.

As I reached the stair case James stood there at attention. "Times winding up" he said.

"Well it's a good thing that I'm on my way to see him right now then." I said as we ascend the stairs. "I don't need your assistance."

"On the contrary I think you do" he said as we reached his door. James reaches to knock on the door just as it swung open. A chipper Hailee stood before us in pink silk pajamas. Her hair was up in a messy bun, her skin burned hot red, and her eyes seemed to shimmer and shine.

"Oh hello. What a glorious morning it is. I was just on my way to my room. You two have a great day." Said with a smile as she slipped pass us and skipped down the hall.

Ripping off the band-aid now felt a bit easier as I entered the room to a shirtless Dalton. Could he really had slept with her last night after his fathers funeral with his family just down the hall?

"Hey guys. Excuse me." He said as he put on a shirt. "Mother woke Hailee and I early this morning to handle some P.R. work. I'm glad your here though Scarlett I needed to talk to you. Did you get my note?"

"Yeah I got it. Had to be pretty urgent if you sent that along with the note." I said trying my best to hold back any hint of anger.

"Just a kind gesture. If you don't mind can we have the room James."

"Actually I'd prefer if James stayed. I have something to tell you and you may not believe me if its just me saying it." Dalton looked worriedly between us then took a seat on the bed before nodding for us to continue. "Hailee isn't who she says she is."

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