Chapter 11 - A Familiar Face

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"Have you talked to Dalton lately?" Sarah asked as she sashayed from the bathroom sporting a shiny red dress.

"Well you look freakin hot" I said.

"Thanks. Now answer the question." She said with her best over the shoulder pouty face pose.

"If you must know no I haven't. Since the big royal issue dropped at Sizzle we have had an influx of articles. Everyone wants to be in the same magazine that the royal family works with exclusively."

"So what I'm hearing is that things are heating up at work so you iced Dalton out of your life. Yeah that sounds like something a normal girl does to the guy she likes."

"Not a girl. I am a woman and a woman puts her work before a guy."

"Not when that is a freakin prince. I mean seriously it's a fairy tale story that most girl can only dream to live." She said causing me to roll my eyes. "Okay since you don't want to talk about forming a relationship with Dalton least talk about what you're going to cook for him Sunday."

"I was thinking something simple like soup and salad."

"Are you kidding me!?! You have got to be joking. Dalton has the finest and most well trained chef's bending at his will. They probably make him steak and potatoes and crème brulee to impress him. Are you really telling me that the best you can do is soup and salad? This isn't Olive Garden honey! This is real life and he needs real food. He might be a bit muscular already but I still vote yes on putting a little meat on any man's bones."

"Ugh. Enough with the dramatics. It can't possibly be that bad of a menu." I said receiving and eye roll and raised eyebrow from Sarah. "Okay, okay I'll think of something else but right now isn't about me it's about you. Whoever the lucky guy is tonight is going to faint when he sees you."

"Well I do tend to have that effect on people." She says just as the alarm on her phone goes off. "Okay time for me to go. I'll call you tonight if it's horrible but otherwise I'll see you tomorrow to help you get ready."

We said our goodbyes and she scurried out the door. While she enjoyed a night in the town I would spend it racking my brain for a proper meal worthy of a prince.


I stood outside the Grand Opera Theater nervously twisting the cuff links on my sleeve. My date and I had texted a few times before deciding to see the Virginia Shakespeare Company preform Romeo & Juliet. In our conversation we started to bond over our shared interest in all things literature. She was extremely excited to hear that the local theater company was preforming for one night only but her heart was broken after discovering it was already sold out. I suppose she has Queen Rolonda to thank for scoring us VIP tickets at the last minute. I believe my mother's exact words were, "Anything for my future daughter-in-law and mother of my grandchildren." Of course this sparked an argument between us when I reminded her that she already was a grandmother.

I stared out into the crowded that was slowly diminishing as people entered the theater to take their seat. Since this would be our first time meeting each other face to face we decided to distinguish each other through our clothes. She was to wear a sparkly red dress and I was wearing a white suit with a red rose attached. Seeing all the elegant couples dressed in all black reminded me of the soirees my parents would through every other month. The only thing missing were my brother and sister running around pulling pranks on everyone. I hadn't spoken with them once in our first week in America though I'm sure my parents had. It was obvious that they hadn't been informed about their niece Skylar or they would surly have called to question me by now.

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