Chapter 30 - Afternoon Tea

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I rolled over in bed turning my back to the bright light of the lamp. The comforter wrapped me in a warm cocoon that refused to let me go and I didn't mind. How could any of them get up in the morning when they slept on something this comfortable each night? If I had this bed in college I would have never gone to class on a chilly morning. I would have stayed in the bed all morning continuing my dream about adopting a puppy named Bella and successfully training her to fly. The only thing that was stopping me was Skylar. My moving around had given her the impression I was awake. A heavy weight crushed onto my side waking me from my sleep.

"Mama! Mama! I'm hungry!" She said pushing my shoulder causing me to rock from side to side.

I pushed her back flipping her over and then pulled the giggling girl close to me. "Go to bed kid." I groaned pulling the covers over our heads. How could she be up so early in the morning? I barely slept last night after Dalton left so I had no intention of leaving this room to face him right now.

"But it's ten in the morning and we missed breakfast." She giggled. Ten? It feels like five? I reluctantly rolled out the bed heading straight for the window. I peeked through the curtains to be welcomed by a blazing sun. Workers and visitors were a buzz around the grounds coming in and out, trimming the bushes, and picnicking on the lawn.

"I guess you're right. So what to order?" I thought out loud as a knock came to the door. Sky ran for it swing the door wide open scaring Sarah half to death.

"Geez kid you've got to lighten up on the milk. You're going to be as strong as the hulk soon enough." She said coming in followed by a maid pushing a cart loaded with food. She placed the cart in front of the couch by the window and then made her exit. "I figured we both over slept so when I got up I ordered food pronto. It's everything we love except bacon." She said with her and Sky immediately starting to eat.

While they ate I took the time to take a nice hot shower and get dressed. When we all were done eating and getting dressed we were already ten minutes late for tea with Rolonda, Patricia, and Hailee. It took an extra five minutes just to get to the tea room. I suppose we could say we were fashionably late but I'm not sure if none royals can use that as an excuse.

"We thought you'd never show. Rule one of being a princess - tardiness is unacceptable for any reason." Princess Hailee exclaimed as soon as we entered the room. Had she forgotten that she had no child in this room so there was no reason for her to speak to us as if I we were hers. "To be tardy I would have expected you all to be dressed a bit better." They were all dressed in lovely dresses while we had thought today was a good shorts and t-shirt kind of day.

"Since it was only going to be the few of us I assumed things would be casual." I said calmly.

"For a princess what we wear is always the hot topic. Even your causal wear must be above average. Your barely knocking the door of acceptable average wear."

"Well excuse me for teaching my child that what you wear is not as important as how you look on the inside. I assume you missed that course in Corona. I guess TV persona of princesses teaching that self love is important isn't what it is in reality."

"She's right Hailee." Rolonda said. "Although it's true the press will tear into us like wild animals for one lost earring, it gives us no excuse to do the same to one another." Queen Rolonda said in my defense. "We should have informed you about the proper attire for today but tardiness is still unacceptable. I expect you all to be on time to every event you attend while here. Remember to be early is to be on time and to be on time is to be late. Now let's begin." She said taking her seat first and we all followed after. I could see the steam coming off Hailee over Rolonda coming to my aid. Score one for me.

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