Chapter 17 - Hand In Hand

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Skylar and I sat on the living room couch watching our favorite show SpongeBob Squarepants. SpongeBob sang a melody about his best day ever while I was distracted by the squeaking noise coming from the other side of the door. I left Skylar swinging her feet and singing along and went to investigate the sound. I opened the door stopping a nervous Dalton in his tracks. He looked frazzled with his hair a little messy, sweat on his forehead, and completely adorable.

"Oh. Hello Scar. I'm surprised to see you here." He rambled. Wow even his rambling is cute. Pull yourself together Scarlett and avoid the cuteness.

"Not much of a surprise to me since I live here. Come in." I said stepping to the side.

"Hey Daddy!" Sky said with a big wave causing an even bigger smile to cover Daltons face.

"Hey there princess!" he said picking her up and twirling them around. We all took a seat on the couch with Skylar between us and watched television like a normal family – well almost. Dalton had never seen any of Skylar's favorite shows.

"Are you serious? You've never seen Spongebob? Power Rangers? Heck Rugrats?" I asked completely astonished. How could anyone not have these classics in their life? Even now in my twenties I still watch them with the same excitement I had as a child.

"Not one rings a bell. You do realize there is an ocean between our two worlds? It's quite possible that we never had the same childhood television memories. I doubt you've ever watched any of my favorites. The Herbs? Oakie Doke? Postman Pat?" Dalton asked. Apparently our talking was distracting to Skylar so she left to take a seat closer to the TV. As if by instinct Dalton and I scooted a bit closer to each other.

"Postman Pat? A show about a postman? Really? That's like the most boring job ever but they made it into a TV show and you actually liked it."

"And a show about colorful teenagers who fight 'aliens' with their 'superpowers' is any better?" he said making finger quotes around his words.

"Yes. It's much better than walking around passing out mail all day to rude people."

"I'll have you know that a postman's job is much harder than you think."

"I bet it is." I said as we both fell into laughter and our hands landed together side by side slightly touching. We both stared down at our hands. One second turned into three and three turned into fifteen.

When I finally looked up Dalton wasn't staring at our hands but he was staring at me. Since Dalton had been here we had seen each other but not like this. Honestly all I wanted right now was for Dalton to take my hand in his, pull me into his arms and give me the world's best kiss ever. It seemed like the moment would never come until it finally did come. Dalton raised my hand up from the couch and placed a kiss on the back of my hand. Then he kissed the tip of each finger one by one.

"Beautiful. Simply beautiful. No, extraordinarily beautiful. Just one of a kind." He said with smoldering eyes that melted my heart.

"Mommy I'm hungry. What's for dinner?" Sky asked as she came to stand between us. And just like that the moment was gone. Dalton placed my hand back on the couch but he held on to it rubbing small circles on the back like he did at the dinner with his parents.

"Well what do you want to eat? Broccoli, peas, or Brussel sprouts?" Dalton asked.

"Ew! Those are all veggies. I want pizza." Skylar said.

"I'll go get the takeout menus." I said going towards the kitchen.

In thirty minutes the counter was covered with pizza boxes of all different flavors. While we ate we had a burping contest and Skylar won. To be so small she had a lot of air in that little body. Dalton, Sky, and I gorged ourselves until we all were almost in a pizza coma. Skylar and I lay stretched out on the couch and Dalton lay next to us on the floor. We had tried to watch Sky's favorite movie The Little Mermaid but none of us made it through the first song. I was fading in and out of sleep as I heard Skylar and Dalton lightly snoring in sync. I held Sky close to my chest as I rose from the couch and attempt to maneuver my way around Dalton's without waking him. On the way to Skylar's room I picked up the bag holding the DNA test that Dalton had returned.

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